Yahoo! It’s time for positive words that begin with Y. Yes, it is exciting. But that is really no reason to yell. Find out yummy, youthful, good words that begin with Y now!
Words Beginning With Y That Have 5 or Fewer Letters
Did you hear the one about the youthful, Yankee yelling in the yard? Well, it’s a bit of a yarn! Instead, jump into positive Y words with five letters or fewer.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
yahoo (int.) | expression of enthusiasm, excitement | wahoo, yippee |
yang (n.) | positive male force opposite yin | rule, principle |
yard (n.) | building grounds | backyard, courtyard |
yare (adj.) | characteristic of having speed, agility | nimble, lively |
yarn (n.) | legends; implausible story | tale, fable, story |
yay (int.) | expression of approval | hooray, huzzah, yeah |
yeah (int.) | another form of yes | yes, okay, sure |
yearn (v.) | long for something or someone intensely | long, pine, crave, desire |
yell (n.) | sharp cry of surprise or delight | shout, scream |
yern (adj.) | quick or active | eager, brisk, quick |
yes (int.) | affirmative response | sure, okay, yeah |
yield (v.) | provide or produce | produce, provide, give |
yip (n.) | short cry of delight or excitement | yap, growl, bay |
yo (int.) | informal greeting to someone attractive | hey, how you doing |
yock (n.) | loud joke or laugh | yak |
yodel (v.) | distinctive type of singing | trill, warble, shout |
yoga (n.) | system of movement including breathing, meditation and poses | exercise, workout |
yoke (n.) | crosspiece that fastens oxen or plow animals | harness, collar, coupling |
young (adj.) | having lived for a short time | youthful, inexperienced, budding |
yours (pro.) | belonging to you | owned, mine |
youth (n.) | period before adulthood | youngster, juvenile |
yum (int.) | expression indicating something is delicious | num, mmm, good |
yummy (adj.) | having appetizing flavor | scrumptious, appetizing, luscious |
Words Beginning With Y That Have 6 or More Letters
It might not be the yin to your yang, but Y words sure are fun. Just so the fun doesn’t end, you can explore some of the yummiest six or more letter Y words now.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
Yahweh (n.) | original Hebrew name for God | God, Allah, Father |
year-round (adj.) | happening year around | annual, continual |
yeehaw (int.) | exuberant expression of enthusiasm | yahoo, wahoo, yippee |
yellow (adj.) | a bright color between orange and green | gold, golden, lemon |
yeoman (n.) | attendant, servant, or assistant | bodyguard, escort |
yesable (adj.) | something that you can agree to | agreeable |
yippee (int.) | expression of happiness or delight | yahoo, wahoo |
yokozuna (n.) | grand champion sumo wrestler | champion |
yonder (adj.) | far away | distant, beyond, farther |
young-at-heart (adj.) | inclined to act young despite age | spry, buoyant |
youngling (n.) | a youthful, young person | fledgling, filly, rookie |
youthful (adj.) | being or seeming young | spry, vigorous, active |
youthfully (adv.) | in manner similar to young people | actively |
yummiest (adj.) | most delicious | savoriest, most delectable |
Example Sentences Using Positive Y-Words
Yeehaw! That sure was fun. To keep your nice Y words going, see how you can use several nice Y words in a sentence. And don’t worry, “Yo, how you doin?” isn’t included.
- That is by far the yummiest apple pie I have ever eaten.
- The house that you are looking for is over yonder.
- My grandma has always been young-at-heart.
- How well she yodeled was simply amazing.
- How her skin stays so youthful, I’ll never know.
- Yippee! You got the job.
- My grandfather could spin an exciting yarn.
- The trees yielded a good amount of apples.
- I know you’re excited, but you don’t have to yell so loud.
- They say youth is wasted on the young.
Yo, It’s All About Positivity!
Don’t start yawning just yet! Your journey with Y has just begun. Keep the excitement of the Y going by checking out nouns and adjectives that begin with Y. And if you’ve some youthful younglings, then you might try kids' words with X, Y, Z.