From winning to wise, there are dozens of positive words that start with W. Whether you’re writing a thank you letter or preparing to give a celebratory speech, these are the good words you need to use.
Words Beginning With W That Have 5 or Fewer Letters
W words don’t have to be long. These nice words all start with W and have five or fewer letters.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
warm (adj.) | giving off heat, friendly in disposition | friendly, happy, cozy |
wage (n.) | money a worker receives | fee, payment |
wacky (adj.) | crazy or silly | silly, eccentric, funny, zany, crazy |
wish (n.) | a desire for a thing or event | desire, want |
work (v.) | to perform an occupation | try, perform, occupy |
well (adv.) | in good condition | skillfully, competently |
win (v.) | to be the most successful | succeed, prevail |
witty (adj.) | someone or something that is clever or amusing | funny, clever, smart |
wild (adj.) | out of control | untamed, turbulent, unrestrained |
wise (adj.) | someone with common sense | sage, smart, knowledgeable |
wow (int.) | a method of expressing surprise | whoa, yikes |
Words Beginning With W That Have 6 or More Letters
If you need a W word that’s a bit longer, you’re in luck. From wizard to wunderkind, these positive words start with W and let you express yourself perfectly.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
wanted (adj.) | someone or something that is needed or desired | desired, in demand, sought after |
warm-hearted (adj.) | acting with kindness | kind, sympathetic |
windfall (n.) | unexpected good fortune | boon, benefit |
wordsmith (n.) | an expert in the use of language | writer, communicator |
wedding (n.) | a ceremony joining people in marriage | marriage ceremony, handfast |
whoopee (int.) | an expression of joy | wow, yay |
wildcard (n.) | something surprising and unexpected | surprise, bonus |
wildflower (n.) | a flowering plant that grows without cultivation | flower |
wishlist (n.) | a list of desires | want list |
workaround (n.) | a method for overcoming something in the way | solution |
warmth (n.) | moderate heat or excitement | passion, heat |
wander (v.) | travel without a purpose | meander, stroll |
warble (v.) | to sing (especially as a bird) | trill, quaver, yodel |
wellspring (n.) | the source of a stream or the source of abundance | supply, source, fount |
wealth (n.) | great amount of material property or money | abundance, profusion |
weighty (adj.) | very heavy or significant | important, heavy, serious |
whistle (v.) | to make a clear, shrill sound | signal |
watchful (adj.) | closely observant | alert, aware, observant, vigilant |
weightless (adj.) | having very little weight | light, airy |
welcome (v.) | to accept with pleasure | greet, receive, meet, acknowledge |
well-behaved (adj.) | acting in an acceptable way | polite, proper |
willowy (adj.) | like a willow, thin and graceful | graceful, slim, thin |
well-known (adj.) | widely known | famous, legendary |
whimsical (adj.) | playful and out of the ordinary | playful, humorous |
wholehearted (adj.) | unconditional commitment | unreserved |
wholesome (adj.) | good for the health | healthy, proper |
willing (adj.) | agreeable about something | agreeable, ready |
winner (n.) | one who wins | champion |
winsome (adj.) | attractive in a childlike way | agreeable, charming |
wizard (n.) | someone who performs magic | magician, sorcerer |
wisdom (n.) | common sense or collective knowledge | common sense, good judgment |
willpower (n.) | self-restraint | self-discipline |
wonderland (n.) | a place of great beauty or marvels | imaginary land |
wonderful (adj.) | something that is amazing and enjoyable | astonishing, excellent |
worthy (adj.) | entitled to respect | respectable, esteemed |
worthwhile (adj.) | important enough to warrant an investment of time and energy | worth it |
world-class (adj.) | something that is internationally high class | best of the best, exceptional |
workhorse (n.) | something that performs well under heavy use | steady worker |
wunderkind (n.) | someone who achieves early success or fame | prodigy, phenom |
Example Sentences Using Positive W-Words
Whether you’re writing a performance appraisal or creating an acrostic poem, it’s helpful to see how to use these positive W-words in a sentence:
- Sam is a great employee who is a workhorse and a wunderkind.
- This charity is a worthwhile investment, and it provides world-class help to those who need it most.
- Your children are as winsome as they are well-behaved.
- I like a friend who is wise, warm, and witty.
- My wishlist of qualities in a suitor includes wisdom, wealth, and warmth.
- Welcome to our wonderland!
- Some birds warble, and some birds whistle.
- The bride carried wildflowers at her wedding.
- His sense of humor was wacky and whimsical.
- A wordsmith is a wizard with language.
One Way to Use Great W-Words
One great use for positive words that start with W is making a reverse acronym. Choose the letters in your acronym first, and then look up positive words that start with each of them. You’ll end up with a creative and fun project.