Imagine a tender and tranquil world where we focused on positivity and light. What we’d find is that the more we inject our lives with positivity, the more it’ll bolster our personal and professional interactions. As you scan our list of positive words that start with T, see how many you can incorporate into your everyday life.
Short Positive Words That Start With T
Whether you’ve got a talent for spotting positive words or they tend to give you a thrill, you’ll appreciate these short T-words that have positive meanings. Take a look at these words with fewer than seven letters, as well as their definitions and possible synonyms.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
tact (n.) | the act of behaving in a gentle manner when dealing with controversial issues | perception, discrimination, judgment |
talent (n.) | a natural skill or ability | aptitude, faculty, gift |
tame (adj.) | gentle, not wild | docile, domesticated, calm |
tasty (adj.) | something with good flavor | appetizing, delectable, delicious |
tend (v.) | to care for | cultivate, minister, safeguard |
thrift (n.) | careful management of money | saving, parsimony, frugality |
thrill (v.) | to cause excitement | excite, animate, rouse |
thrive (v.) | to grow strong and healthy | blossom, boom, burgeon |
tidy (adj.) | able to keep things neat | clean, organized, fastidious |
timely (adj.) | something done at the right time | auspicious, convenient, expedient |
top (adj.) | being at the highest point | best, superior, unbeatable |
treat (n.) | a pleasant or surprise reward | gift, privilege, present |
truly (adv.) | faithfully, sincerely, or truthfully | absolutely, certainly, unequivocally |
trust (n.) | confidence in the honesty or integrity of a person or thing | reliance, confidence, belief |
truth (n.) | something that has been proved by facts or sincerity | accuracy, authenticity, sincerity |
try (v.) | to attempt or test something | endeavor, undertake, strive |
Longer T-Words for Positive Writing
There are many more take-charge words that start with T! From teammates to trailblazers, get acquainted with a teeming list of T-words, as well as their definitions and synonyms.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
tactful (adj.) | someone who shows regard for other people’s feelings | careful, considerate, thoughtful |
tactile (adj.) | sensed by physical touch | palpable, real, tangible |
take-charge (adj.) | having good leadership qualities | takes initiative, responsible, assertive |
tangible (adj.) | something touchable or real | actual, corporeal, material |
tantalizing (adj.) | getting someone excited about something | tempting, enticing, attractive |
tasteful (adj.) | conforming to expectations of what is appropriate or desirable | refined, aesthetic, stylish |
teacher (n.) | someone who instructs and guides others | mentor, educator, tutor, |
teammate (n.) | a fellow member on a team | ally, colleague, partner |
teamwork (n.) | the efforts of a team that works together | collaboration, cooperation, partnership |
teeming (adj.) | abundant; full | abounding, bursting, overflowing |
temperate (adj.) | a demonstration of self-restraint | mild, restrained, moderate |
tenacity (n.) | persistence; diligence | courage, determination, diligence |
tender (adj.) | being delicate or soft in action | affectionate, kind-hearted, loving |
tenderhearted (adj.) | easily feeling emotions for other people | compassionate, sensitive, kind |
terrific (adj.) | fantastic, amazing, very good | exciting, fabulous, wonderful |
thankful (adj.) | someone feeling or showing gratitude | appreciative, grateful, indebted |
therapeutic (adj.) | having healing properties for an ailment | beneficial, good, remedial |
thorough (adj.) | missing no details | accurate, complete, painstaking |
thoughtful (adj.) | someone who shows sympathy for others | attentive, caring, kind |
thrilled (adj.) | very excited | delighted, enthusiastic, fired up |
timeless (adj.) | something that can’t be measured by time; something that doesn’t go out of style | ageless, ceaseless, perpetual |
tirelessly (adv.) | without ceasing | incessantly, strenuously, energetically |
togetherness (n.) | affectionate closeness | intimacy, fellowship, friendship |
tolerant (adj.) | someone who is open-minded | compassionate, liberal, magnanimous |
toothsome (adj.) | delicious or desirable | appetizing, tempting, luscious |
top-notch (adj.) | the very best | excellent, first-rate, supreme |
touching (adj.) | eliciting sympathy or tenderness | moving, poignant, tender |
tradition (n.) | a custom or belief passed down through the generations | heritage, ritual, legacy |
trailblazer (n.) | a pioneer in any field | innovator, groundbreaker, trendsetter |
tranquil (adj.) | someone or something that is calm and peaceful | balmy, composed, easygoing |
tranquility (n.) | a state of peace or calm | harmony, order, serenity |
transcend (v.) | to go beyond, surpass | ascend, outshine, surmount |
transcendent (adj.) | extraordinary or beyond human experience | preeminent, supreme, surpassing |
transfix (v.) | to capture or hold the attention of completely | astonish, astound, captivate |
transform (v.) | to change into something else | morph, transmute, modify |
treasure (v.) | to hold dear | prize, value, cherish |
tremendous (adj.) | something wonderful | extraordinary, fabulous, fantastic |
triumph (n.) | a victory or success | achievement, celebration, conquest |
tropical (adj.) | something that relates to warm, hot places typically near the equator | hot, steamy, sweltering |
trustworthy (adj.) | someone who is honest and can be trusted with your secrets | aboveboard, loyal, reliable |
truthful (adj.) | corresponding with fact or reality | accurate, candid, honest |
tuneful (adj.) | someone or something musical, with melody or harmony | catchy, harmonious, melodious |
twinkle (v.) | to shine with quick, intermittent flashes of light | blink, flicker, sparkle |
Great Opportunities for Positive T-Words
Let’s end our series on positive words with a note on love. If you learn how to write a letter, it’ll help you draft a personal letter. Then, you can pair your findings there with this list of romantic words. Before you know it, your loved one will have a twinkle in their eye and, hopefully, a touching reply.
Of course, it’s not all flowers and romance. Positive words also have a place in our professional correspondence. Many of the above words would do well in your resume or cover letter, like calling yourself a “trailblazing entrepreneur” or “tactful case manager.” Indeed, a tasteful bout of T-words in your life will surely brighten things up.
Example Sentences With Positive T-Words
Trying to trace more T-words? Take a look at ten T-words hard at work in sentence form.
- Her tactful reply to the rude comment effectively eased tensions.
- The positive energy in the room was absolutely tangible.
- I could live in this temperate climate forever.
- That mother has a very tender way about her.
- I am thankful that I moved to this new state.
- This new teacher is very thoughtful when it comes to her students.
- She likes to thrift for her clothes and furniture.
- Their togetherness as a couple is inspiring for us all.
- Once she found God, she experienced tranquility she’d never known before.
- These white lights sure do twinkle and shine.
A Tremendous Triumph
Any day spent in the books is a tremendous triumph. It builds vocabulary, expands horizons and encourages us to explore new worlds. Even as you crack open new books, feel free to explore even more words for your writing. Be sure to include several nouns that start with T as well as a few adjectives that start with T. For an extensive list that you can easily customize, explore Words That Start With T on WordFinder by YourDictionary.