Don't quote me on this, but Q is quite an amazing letter. Not only is it quintessential in nature, but Q is the letter of queens. Find out more about amazing nice words that begin with the letter Q right now!
Words Beginning With Q That Have 6 or Fewer Letters
You have to be quick when it comes to nice words with Q. The letter Q is a little quirky and quiet, so you don’t necessarily think about it. Expand your Q horizons by looking at these positive Q words with six or fewer letters.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
quaff (v.) | drink quickly or thirstily | drink, swallow, guzzle |
quaint (adj.) | old-fashioned, charming | charming, sweet |
quat (adj.) | satisfied; filled | filled, satisfied |
queen (n.) | important, successful women; royal successor | royalty, monarch, sovereign |
queep (int.) | sound birds make | peep, chirp, cheep |
quench (v.) | extinguish or satisfy thirst | satisfy, quell, suppress |
quick (adj.) | prompt or swift | fast, swift |
quiet (adj.) | making little or no sound | still, silent, noiseless |
quip (n.) | funny or witty comment | joke, jest, pun |
quirk (n.) | an unusual, peculiar characteristic | eccentricity, whim |
quirky (adj.) | having a unique personality | eccentric, unconventional |
quite (adv.) | entirely or completely | completely, entirely, really |
quiver (v.) | shake or tremble | tremble, shiver, shake |
quiz (n.) | short test or questioning | test, exam |
quote (v.) | repeat something that someone else spoke | repeat, reproduce |
quotha (int.) | expression of sarcasm or surprise | indeed |
Words Beginning With Q That Have 7 or More Letters
These words might not be quantifiable, but they are pretty queenly. Curious about more positive words that begin with Q, look no further!
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
quaintly (adv.) | uniquely; strangely; oddly | oddly, strangely |
qualify (v.) | fitting the requirements; entitled | certified, licensed, professional |
qualitative (adj.) | meeting the measurements or characteristics | conditional, dependent |
quality (n.) | characteristic or trait | trait, characteristic |
quantifiable (adj.) | able to be measured or counted | countable, measurable |
quantity (n.) | number or amount | amount, portion, number |
quarter (n.) | something that is one-fourth | fourth, part, portion |
queenhood (n.) | dignity or rank of a queen | reign, stateliness |
queenly (adj.) | royal or regal; like a queen | majestic, regal |
quenching (v.) | satisfying your thirst | douce, extinguish |
querist (n.) | question asker | inquirer, asker, questioner |
quester (n.) | someone that goes on a quest | explorer, adventurer |
question (n.) | something asked | inquiry, interrogation |
quicken (v.) | to make something faster | accelerate, hasten, hurry |
quicker (adj.) | faster | speedier |
quickly (adv.) | at a fast speed; rapid | fast, swiftly, rapidly |
quickness (n.) | rapid movement; agility | briskness, nimbleness |
quickstep (n.) | march or dance where feet move quickly | quick march, double time |
quick-witted (adj.) | mentally sharp; alert | astute, quick-thinking, sharp-witted |
quiddity (n.) | essential nature; the essence | essence, existence |
quiescent (adj.) | dormant | quiet, still, inactive |
quietly (adv.) | done in a quiet manner | silently, in silence |
quietness (n.) | hushed silence; absence of sound | calm, lack of noise |
quietsome (adj.) | calm or quiet | quiet, calm |
quillet (n.) | a quibble | quirk, quibble |
quintessence (n.) | characteristic of persona; the essence of something | essence, soul, spirit |
quintessential (adj.) | typical characteristic; relating to a particular person | typical, stereotypical |
quixotic (adj.) | romantic behavior; extravagantly chivalrous | idealistic, romantic, extravagant |
quotable (adj.) | worthy of quoting | mentionable, citable |
quotation (n.) | citing a passage or statement word for word | citation, reference, mention, excerpt |
quotidian (adj.) | daily; every day | usual, ordinary |
Example Sentences Using Positive Q-Words
Are you ready to make a quick-witted quotation? Is this quotable? Probably not, but you can find out how to use a few of these positive Q words in a sentence.
- That line was definitely quotable.
- She quietly walked to the refrigerator to quench her thirst.
- My neighbor is a little quirky.
- My heart quickens every time.
- She is a quick-witted girl.
- I think you should put a quotation right here.
- She was a quirky queen if I ever saw one.
- You will definitely qualify for that license.
- Your cottage is so quaint.
- The keen, quiet cat was quick-eyed.
Power of Positivity
Positive words can really make someone’s day. Telling someone they have the face of a queen or that your heart quickens when they enter a room will hopefully elicit a smile. Ready to explore more fun with Q? Dive into words that start with Q for kids.