Positive words can help to spread love and joy to those around you. Start your journey by looking at positive words that start with N. These N words can help nourish a new love for writing.
Small Positive N Words
If asked, could you enumerate how many positive words you used today? Choosing words with positive connotations can empower others and shed light on nearly every situation. There’s at least one inescapable fact of life: the more we focus on positivity, the more our lives will take on a nuance of hope. Grab your pad and pencil; let’s start the journey with a noteworthy list of positive words that start with N.
Word |
Definition |
Synonyms |
namaste (n.) |
a salutation in the Hindu culture to express a polite and peaceful hello or goodbye |
hello, good morning, good day |
nascent (adj.) |
something that is just beginning |
budding, burgeoning, fledgling |
native (n.) |
someone born in a particular region |
aboriginal, citizen, inhabitant |
natty (adj.) |
trim and smart in appearance or dress |
fashionable, dapper, tidy |
natural (adj.) |
formed by nature or instincts |
intrinsic, inherent, ingrained |
nature (n.) |
the natural earth and the things on it |
cosmos, creation, environment |
near (adj.) |
close in distance, time, or relationship |
nigh, adjacent, adjoining |
neaten (v.) |
to cause to be tidy and orderly |
arrange, clean, order |
needed (adj.) |
wanted; something that is required because it is important |
desired, essential, necessary |
nestle (v.) |
to settle down comfortably and snugly |
caress, cuddle, snuggle |
new (adj.) |
coming into being for the first time |
fresh, immature, inexperienced |
newborn (adj.) |
recently born or come into existence |
infant, recent, young |
next (adj.) |
coming immediately after in space, time, order |
succeeding, subsequent, following |
nibble (v.) |
to take small bites |
chew, eat, snack |
nice (adj.) |
someone who is pleasant or agreeable |
agreeable, appealing, charming |
nifty (adj.) |
something that is good or great |
cool, neat, terrific |
nimble (adj.) |
someone who is quick to move or understand |
adroit, agile, alert |
nimbus (n.) |
a bright cloud surrounding gods or goddesses |
aura, cloud, glory |
nirvana (n.) |
a place or state of being in peace or complete happiness |
bliss, harmony, joy |
nippy (adj.) |
cold in a stinging way |
chilly, cold, cool |
noble (adj.) |
someone who has high morals and ideals |
magnanimous, excellent, reputable |
nod (v.) |
to quickly raise and lower the head, usually showing agreement |
accept, acknowledge, agree |
nonstop (adj.) |
without a stop, ongoing |
constant, continuous, uninterrupted |
nook (n.) |
a secluded, quiet place |
niche, cubbyhole, recess |
normal (adj.) |
regular, natural, or staying with the general standard |
average, common, conventional |
notable (adj.) |
someone or something worth paying attention to |
celebrated, distinguished, eminent |
nourish (v.) |
to feed or develop |
cultivate, develop, encourage |
novel (adj.) |
something new or different |
avant-garde, contemporary, unusual |
now (adv.) |
at the present time or immediately |
at once, directly, forthwith |
nurse (v.) |
to care for; tend |
attend, care, tend |
nurture (v.) |
to feed, train or help develop someone or something |
bolster, cherish, cultivate |
nuzzle (v.) |
to lie close |
cuddle, nestle, snuggle |
Large Positive N Words
Positive words come in handy when it’s time to write a cover letter, resume or email. When you write a creative cover letter that stands out, enjoy these noble words, along with their nourishing meanings and synonyms.
Word |
Definition |
Synonyms |
nationhood (n.) |
a large group of people united by a common language, culture or economic life |
community, society, country |
nationwide (adv.) |
occurring throughout a country or nation |
universally, nationally, regionally |
naturally (adv.) |
as one might expect; of course |
typically, ordinarily, customarily |
navigate (v.) |
to plan your course |
direct, guide, maneuver |
necessary (adj.) |
being essential or required |
requisite, expedient, indispensable |
neighborly (adj.) |
kind and friendly, as in between neighbors |
amicable, civil, cordial |
always succeeding |
steadfast, unwavering, unshakeable |
recently discovered |
new, afresh, novel |
nominate (v.) |
to designate or select |
appoint, designate, elect |
nonchalant (adj.) |
easygoing, without showing care or interest |
airy, calm, causal |
nonpareil (adj.) |
having no equal; above comparison |
alone, incomparable, matchless |
normally (adv.) |
under normal circumstances; usually |
ordinarily, commonly, regularly |
noteworthy (adj.) |
something worth mentioning or deserving notice |
exceptional, important, meaningful |
noticeable (adj.) |
something that is very apparent, obvious, or easy to see |
appreciable, clear, conspicuous |
numberless (adj.) |
infinite, without number |
endless, immeasurable, infinite |
numerous (adj.) |
something that is large in number |
abundant, copious, plentiful |
numinous (adj.) |
spiritually elevated; sublime |
otherworldly, spiritual, unworldly |
nutritious (adj.) |
healthy or promoting good health |
balanced, healthy, nourishing |
10 Example Sentences Using N Words
Here are ten of the above words in sentence form:
Her nascent understanding of the English language is astounding.
They sent out a nationwide alert that the zombies are coming.
I don’t know how to navigate these waters.
She loves to neaten and tidy her kitchen every evening.
Sandra extended quite a neighborly welcome.
Her newfound love for this church community is heart-warming.
That little elf sure is nimble.
He’s too quick to be considered nonchalant.
She created the most fabulous reading nook in her attic.
This new author is sure to be noteworthy and well-loved.
New and Noteworthy Words
We hope you’ll consider some of these words new and noteworthy. Don’t let the positivity stop here, though. Continue to expand your vocabulary with this notable list of nouns that start with N. There are 50 in total. Then, how about nearly 30 adjectives that start with N? Pretty nifty, right? Next, build your vocabulary with even more words that start with N using the word list tool from WordFinder by YourDictionary. As you scroll, we hope you’ll continue to nurture a love for the English language that’s truly innumerable.