When it comes to positive words beginning with J, you’ve reached the crown jewel. From jammy to just, find several positive words that begin with J that you might add to your journal or even your jokes. Beyond just words, you’ll find some fun, jovial sentences that will have you jumping-up with joy.
Words Beginning With J That Have 5 or Fewer Letters
You don't have to be a jimp or a jet setter to join in this fun. Explore nice words that start with J to add to your repertoire.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
jammy (adj.) | lucky | charmed, lucky, fortunate |
jaunt (n.) | a short vacation or pleasure trip | trip, outing, day trip |
jazz (n.) | type of music with forceful rhythm | ragtime, boogie, jive |
jeez (int.) | an expression showing surprise | good grief, OMG, geez |
jest (n.) | a joke | taunt, jibe, joke, jeer |
jewel (n.) | stone, precious gem, or something of value | gem, precious stone, gemstone |
jig (v.) | making energetic jerky movement typically to music | jerk, jiggle, thrash |
jimp (adj.) | slim and trim | delicate, trim, slender |
join (v.) | bring together or connect | connect, fasten, bring together |
joke (v.) | saying or doing something to make others laugh | jest, banter |
jolly (adj.) | happy or cheerful | cheerful, cheery, merry |
joss (n.) | Chinese deity or shrine image | idol, deity, statue |
joy (n.) | a feeling of delight or cheer | delight, pleasure, happiness |
jumbo (n.) | extra-large | huge, enormous, vast |
just (adj.) | right or fair | righteous, fair, equitable |
Words Beginning With J That Have 6 or More Letters
While short words can be a jim-dandy, you can find good words that start with J by adding a few more letters. Peruse J words that have six or more letters.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
jampacked (adj.) | filled tightly or to the maximum level | crammed, filled, jammed |
jamboree (n.) | boisterous celebration | rally, gathering, festival |
jamming (v.) | the process of cramming things | brimming, bursting, cramming |
jaw-dropping (adj.) | causing astonishment or amazement | astounding, stunning, amazing |
jazz up (v.) | to adorn or brighten something | amp up, animate, invigorate |
jet set (n.) | fashionable, wealthy people that travel | fashionable, high society, cream of society |
jim-dandy (n.) | very pleasing or awesome person or thing | cat’s meow, crackerjack, beauty |
jingle (n.) | small bell sound; advertisement music | clink, tinkle, ding; slogan, catchphrase, ditty |
jittery (adj.) | jumping or vibrating | excitable, fidgety, edgy |
jitterbug (n.) | boisterous dance move performed to swing music | boogie, dance, shimmy |
jocose (adj.) | playful or joking | jest, joke, humorous |
jocular (adj.) | jokingly or full of fun | funny, witty, comical |
jocund (adj.) | cheery or lighthearted | cheerful, happy, jolly |
jocundity (n.) | witty remark | witticism |
joking (v.) | act of joking or engaging in jokes | jesting, bantering, joshing |
jollily (adv.) | in a cheerful or jolly manner | charmingly, amusingly, merrily |
jounce (v.) | bounce or shake | bounce, jolt, bump |
jovial (adj.) | playful and full of good humor | playful, cheerful, genial |
joyful (adj.) | happy, exhibiting joy | cheerful, happy, merry |
joyride (n.) | a ride for pleasure | drive, excursion, jaunt |
jubilant (adj.) | showing great elation or rejoicing | elated, euphoric, exuberant |
jubilee (n.) | special anniversary that marks 25 or 50 years | bash, shindig, ceremony |
judicious (adj.) | showing sound or good judgment | cautious, prudent, careful |
juggler (n.) | person who juggles objects | entertainer, magician |
juiciness (n.) | something that is mouthwatering or juicy | succulence, tenderness, moistness |
jump-up (v.) | to move to a higher position | boost, climb, hoist |
jumpstyle (n.) | electronic dancing style | dance |
Junoesque (adj.) | bearing beauty like Juno | beautiful, shapely, curvaceous |
justice (n.) | using law or supporting fair treatment | fairness, fair play, equity |
justified (adj.) | with a legitimate reason | condoned, defended, supported |
justly (adv.) | in a fair or righteous manner | justifiably, legitimately, rightly |
juvenescent (adj.) | getting youthful or becoming young | childlike, youthful, innocent |
Example Sentences Using Positive J-Words
Just defining words will never do this article justice; therefore, you can join in exploring these fun sentences. They might even leave you feeling jittery!
- His actions in court were justified.
- The family had a nice, relaxing jaunt.
- The jaw-dropping dress fit her perfectly.
- Tommy and I went for a joyride.
- The juggler was amazing.
- That was the biggest jewel I’d ever seen in a ring.
- The girl had a joyful expression when she saw her new car.
- The joke had milk shooting out my nose.
- They jigged around the living room laughing.
- That boy was a jim-dandy if I ever saw one.
Nice Words Beginning With J
J is a fun letter. It’s jampacked with jokes, joy, and jubilation. Beyond just positive words that begin with J, you might check out adjectives that begin with J or even look at nouns. There is always fun with kids’ words that being with J. That’s not even a joke!