Sometimes, it can be hard to find the right positive or polite words you’re looking for. If you need words that begin with H to fill your heartfelt emails or hysterical letters, or to keep your word game humble, you’ve come to the right place. Get a list of nice words that begin with H that will make you happy!
Words Beginning With H That Have 5 or Fewer Letters
From halo to hunk, we have a list of good words with five letters or fewer that begin with H to get you started.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
halo (n.) | a bright ring of light | aurora, crown of light |
hale (adj.) | healthy | strong, fit, hearty |
happy (adj.) | feeling of pleasure or joy | cheerful, gay, joyous |
help (v.) | giving aid to someone | assist, aid, support |
heart (n.) | center of something; the muscular organ that pumps blood | soul, core, courage |
high (adj.) | extended up; above others | towering, great, uplifted |
holy (adj.) | dedicated to God; sacred | sacred, divine, blessed |
honey (adj.) | sweet, sticky substance | syrup, nectar |
honor (n.) | high rank or respect | reverence, esteem, high reward |
hope (n.) | feeling or wish that something will happen | faith, expectation |
hot (adj.) | something that is warm in temperature | scorching, burning, heated |
hug (n.) | two people embracing | embrace, caress, squeeze |
hunk (n.) | attractive man; large piece of something | chunk, lump, morsel, portion |
Words Beginning With H That Have 6 or More Letters
Looking to add a bit of bulk to your letter? We’ve got you covered there with H words from hallelujah to hysterical.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
hallelujah (int.) | expression of praise and rejoicing | praise, rejoice, praise-the-Lord |
hallowed (adj.) | holy or sacred, like sacred ground | sacred, divine, consecrated |
happily (adv.) | in a happy or cheerful manner | joyously, cheerily, contentedly |
happy-go-lucky (adj.) | easygoing or carefree | cheerful, easygoing, unconcerned |
hard-working (adj.) | works hard or is diligent in labor | diligent, persevering, purposeful |
harmonious (adj.) | working together well, conforming ideas or interests; musical tones that work together | melodious, in unison, symphonic |
harmony (n.) | working in agreement; pleasing musical notes | agreement, tunefulness, harmonization |
head-over-heels (adv.) | tumbling; smitten | smitten, intensely, far-gone |
hottie (n.) | attractive person | hunk, cutie |
healing (n.) | regeneration of cells; dealing with psychological problems | remedy, mend, cure |
healthy (adj.) | being in good health | vigorous, sound, robust, athletic, fit |
heartening (adj.) | cheerful; encouraging | hopeful, promising, cheering |
heartfelt (adj.) | something felt deeply or sincerely | sincere, honest, genuine |
heartily (adv.) | cordial manner; zest; completely | earnestly, thoroughly, enthusiastically |
heartthrob (n.) | beat of heart; person you are infatuated with | sweetheart, beauty, flame |
heartwarming (adj.) | invoking warm, happy feelings | touching, moving, heartening, stirring |
heaven (n.) | place outside of earth; where God resides | paradise, nirvana, promised land |
heroism (n.) | act of bravery or selflessness | courage, valor, bravery |
hilarious (adj.) | word, phrase, or action that is very funny | amusing, entertaining, hysterical |
hilarity (n.) | state of merriment | laughter, mirth, amusement |
hipster (n.) | young, independent thinker; hip person; a beatnik | freethinker, beatnik, free spirit |
honest (adj.) | genuinely truthful or trustworthy | sincere, frank, candid |
honorable (adj.) | having high morals or being respected | moral, ethical, righteous |
hooray (int.) | shout or exclamation of approval or elation | amen, whoopee, hurrah |
hopeful (adj.) | feeling positive or optimistic about an outcome | optimistic, positive, confident |
hospitable (adj.) | welcoming or friendly | friendly, welcoming, congenial, sociable |
humble (adj.) | showing an understanding of your flaws | respectful, meek, deferential |
huggable (adj.) | capable or suitable to be hugged or squeezed | loveable, cuddlesome, snuggly |
humane (adj.) | having good human qualities like kindness and compassion | considerate, compassionate, kind, benevolent |
human (adj.) | belonging to mankind | mortal, person, human being |
humanity (n.) | qualities of being human; human qualities | humankind, mankind, man |
humanly (adv.) | within the scope of human capabilities or means | culturally, philosophically |
humility (n.) | absence of excessive pride or vanity | meekness, modesty, humbleness |
humorous (adj.) | comical or funny | amusing, funny, comical, entertaining |
hyperactive (adj.) | high levels of activity | excitable, overactive, high strung |
hypnotic (adj.) | inducing sleep; holding attention | soothing, mesmerizing, soporific |
hysterical (adj.) | in a state of uncontrolled emotions; very funny | emotional, comedic, hilarious |
Example Sentences Using Positive H-Words
Positive H words can really make you happy. They can even be hysterical. Now that you’ve seen 50 different positive words that begin with H, you can look at how they are used in a sentence.
- She was so angelic-looking, I think she even had a halo.
- Your husband is very hardworking.
- The boys happily played with their toys.
- The heartthrob’s eyes were hypnotic.
- For his heroism, he had the honor of getting a purple heart.
- The two-year-old boy was so hyperactive.
- They were happy to be helping each other.
- She thought that the boy was a hunk!
- The pastor sprinkled the child with holy water.
- All we had was hope.
Making Your Heart Happy
You can have a lot of fun with H words. They are great for your humorous letters. You might use them to show your humility or how humble you are. This list is just the beginning. Say hello to even more words that start with H using the word list tool on WordFinder by YourDictionary. Now that you’ve had fun with positive H words, why not give positive words that start with O a perusal. You never know what you might observe.