Whether you’re playing word games with friends, looking for a little positive inspiration, or creating an acrostic poem, a list of good words that start with the letter F can give you a fantastic feeling.
Words Beginning With F That Have 5 or Fewer Letters
These F words are favorable and fairly short.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
fan (n.) | person who is enthusiastic about someone or something | supporter, enthusiast, follower |
favor (n.) | something you do for someone else | partiality, endorsement, approval |
find (v.) | to locate something that was missing | locate, discover, detect |
fine (adj.) | something superior in quality | well-made, exquisite, exceptional |
fit (adj.) | proper, appropriate, or in good physical condition | suitable, proper |
focus (n.) | the central point of attention | center, hub, core |
for (prep.) | in favor of | toward, supporting |
free (adj.) | enjoying personal liberties | liberated, independent, self-governed |
fresh (adj.) | something recently harvested, produced, or newly made | pure, new, raw |
fun (n.) | playfulness or something that brings joy | enjoyable, amusing, merry |
funny (adj.) | causing laughter | amusing, comical, humorous |
Words Beginning With F That Have 6 or More Letters
These longer words that start with F help facilitate fellowship, family time, and fun.
Word | Definition | Synonyms |
fabulous (adj.) | someone or something astonishing or very good | remarkable, amazing, incredible |
facilitate (v.): | to make something easier | aid, expedite, promote |
fairness (n.): | just and reasonable treatment | justice, impartiality |
faithful (adj.): | someone who is loyal and reliable | loyal, dedicated, devoted |
familiar (adj.): | something or someone known to you | usual, habitual, common |
family (n.): | group of people who share common ancestors | clan, kinsmen, relatives |
fanciful (adj.): | something that is imaginary in a fun way | fantastical, whimsical, imaginative |
fandom (n.): | all the fans of a particular person or activity | following, fan club, followers |
fantabulous (adj): | slang word for something remarkably good | stupendous, amazing, fabulous |
fantastic (adj.): | something incredible | extravagant, unreal, wonderful |
fantasy (n.): | an extravagant product of the imagination | reverie, daydream, creation |
fascination (n.): | something that attracts or intrigues someone | enchantment, allurement, attraction |
fashionable (adj.): | something that is in style | stylish, popular, chic |
fateful (adj.): | something destined to happen | destined |
favorite (n.): | person or thing that is best liked | preferred, beloved, liked |
feasible (adj.): | something that is possible or doable | attainable, achievable, workable |
felicitous (adj.): | something that enjoys the benefits of good fortune | lucky, fortunate |
fellow (n.): | a peer doing the same activity as you | peer, associate, colleague |
fellowship (n.): | group of people who share common interests | brotherhood, sisterhood, club |
fertile (adj.): | someone or something capable of reproduction | fruitful, productive, yielding |
festive (adj.): | something cheerful and celebratory | celebratory, joyous, joyful |
fidelity (n.): | being loyal or faithful | loyalty, devotion, allegiance |
flawless (adj.): | perfect | faultless, impeccable, unblemished |
flexible (adj.): | someone or something that can adjust to change | pliable, bendable, limber |
flirtatious (adj.): | indicating a romantic interest through actions or words | seductive, coy, teasing |
forefront (n.): | the thing that is the most important | lead, vanguard, focus |
foresight (n.): | the ability to see or plan for what happens in the future | prevision, forethought |
forevermore (adv.): | always and forever | everlasting, permanently, eternally |
forgiving (adj.): | able to forgive | lenient, understanding, merciful |
fortuitous (adj.): | happening by chance or good fortune | serendipitous, inadvertent, lucky |
fortunate (adj.): | someone or something that is lucky | lucky, blessed, fortuitous |
forward (adj.): | directed toward something in advance | advancing, progressive, onward |
fragrant (adj.): | having a sweet or pleasant smell | aromatic, perfumed |
fraternity (n.): | social group for men with shared interests | brotherhood, fellowship, club, society |
freedom (n.): | the state of being independent | liberty, independence, autonomy |
friendly (adj.): | someone or something kind, helpful, or affectionate | sociable, amicable, kindly |
fruitful (adj.): | something productive or effective | prolific, productive, fertile |
fulfilling (adj.): | satisfying | gratifying, rewarding, sufficient |
fundraising (n.): | the act of soliciting money for charitable purposes | soliciting, drive |
Great Opportunities for Positive F-Words
Positive words that start with F are great for writing fantasy and fiction. These friendly words can help you describe familiar characters, flawless landscapes, and fateful plots.
Example Sentences Using Positive F-Words
These ten sentences use some of the most positive words starting with F.
- I am Daniel Radcliffe’s biggest fan.
- If you focus on your task, you’ll complete it sooner.
- That joke was so funny, I couldn’t stop laughing.
- My faithful wife has never left my side while I’ve been hospitalized.
- You are my favorite aunt.
- Those Christmas decorations are so festive.
- She was a very forgiving person.
- I am fortunate to have such great parents.
- His friendly nature made me feel comfortable.
- The new employee is fulfilling all my expectations.
Fantastic Finds
You’ve finished finding fantastic words that start with F. Now it’s time to take your love of the letter F to the next level by exploring nouns that start with F and adjectives that start with F.