You probably use phrasal verbs, or verbs made of two to three words, every day and don’t even realize it. Phrasal verbs can’t be translated literally, so you have to learn them by definitions and examples. A complete phrasal verb list in English would include hundreds of phrasal verbs, but these examples can help you understand this part of speech.
Phrasal Verb List
Learn some of the most common phrasal verbs with an alphabetical list.
A-H Phrasal Verb List
Definitions and sample sentences can help you understand these phrasal verbs that start with the letters A-H.
Phrasal Verb | Meaning | Example |
ask out | to ask someone on a date | I got asked out by John. |
back up | to move backwards | Back up before she splashes you. |
come off | to appear or seem | If you frown, you’ll come off as mean. |
cut it out | stop doing what you’re doing | You better cut it out before I get really angry. |
doze off | fall asleep | Try not to doze off during my lecture. |
drop in | to stop for a short visit | Feel free to drop in any time. |
eat up | eat all of something | You better eat up those vegetables. |
fall apart | become reduced | If she dies, my whole world will fall apart. |
fart around | waste time doing pointless things | Stop farting around and finish your homework. |
fill in | provide details about something | I’ll fill you in on the way to the hospital. |
get back at | get revenge on someone | I’ll get back at him for breaking my TV. |
give away | to reveal some information | Try not to give away the end of the movie. |
give back | donate time or money to a charitable cause | I pick up garbage as a way to give back to my community. |
give in | to reluctantly stop fighting | I always give in to my son’s whining. |
give out | to stop working from over-exertion | My legs might give out after this run. |
give up | to quit | Don’t give up on your dream. |
hang out | casually spend time with someone | Let’s hang out after school. |
hold up | to rob someone by threatening violence | This is a hold up, give me all your money! |
I-Q Phrasal Verb List
Verbs like “look” and “make” are often used in phrasal verbs.
Phrasal Verb | Meaning | Example |
iron out | to figure out the details | Let’s iron out this contract. |
jazz up | to make something more exciting | I’m going to jazz up my outfit with red jewelry. |
keep it down | to be quieter | Keep it down outside. We’re trying to sleep in here. |
kick in | to take effect as in a drug | When my ibuprofen kicks in, this headache will be gone. |
laugh off | to pretend something doesn’t bother you | You can’t laugh off a broken heart. |
let down | to disappoint | You really let me down when you lied. |
look down on | to think less of | He’ll look down on me if I quit college. |
look into | to investigate | I’ll look into the crime. |
make out | to kiss heavily | I want to make out with you. |
make up | to forgive each other | Let’s make up, this fight is dumb. |
own up | to confess | You better own up to your mistakes. |
pass away | to die | She passed away yesterday. |
point out | to make someone aware | He points out every little mistake. |
pull through | to recover | I know you’ll pull through this illness. |
put down | to insult | That bully put me down every day. |
R-Z Phrasal Verb List
One of the verbs that makes many phrasal verbs is “take.”
Phrasal Verb | Meaning | Example |
rattle off | to list information quickly off the top of your head | I could rattle off all 50 states in one minute. |
run into | to see someone you know | I ran into Jan at the market. |
scrape by | to barely manage to accomplish something | You scraped by with a D in English this year. |
set up | to trap | He set me up to take the fall. |
stand for | to support or represent something | I stand for gender equality. |
stop over | to visit someone quickly | I’ll stop over after lunch. |
tag along | to go with someone, especially when not invited | Can I tag along with you guys? |
take after | to resemble someone | I take after my grandma. |
take off | to start to go | Planes take off on the hour. |
take up on | to accept an invitation | I’ll take you up on that dinner date this weekend. |
veg out | to relax and do nothing | I’m going to veg out this weekend. |
warm up to | to start liking over time | She’ll warm up to you by the end of the party. |
wipe out | to fall or crash | He wiped out on his new bike. |
work out | to exercise | I work out every morning. |
zone out | allow your mind to go blank | When my mom talks about chores I zone out. |
What Is a Phrasal Verb?
A phrasal verb is simply a verb made up of more than one word, a type of compound verb. It is two or three words that make up one main verb. A phrasal verb is only a verb, not anything else in the sentence.
Components of a Phrasal Verb
Usually, the words that constitute a phrasal verb are a verb and a preposition, but that is not always the case. Sometimes, the first word in a phrasal verb is not a verb at all, but when paired with the preposition, the whole phrase becomes a verb.
For example, the phrasal verb "clam up" is made of a noun (clam) and a preposition (up). When you combine them, they become one verb meaning "to become quiet or refuse to speak."
Phrasal Verb vs. Verb Phrase
A phrasal verb is different from a verb phrase. A verb phrase, sometimes called a predicate, is made up of a main verb along with any complements, objects, or adverbial phrases that follow it.
How to Recognize Phrasal Verbs
So, how do you know when you're dealing with a phrasal verb and not just a verb and a preposition? You have to look at the whole sentence.
If the two words can be understood literally, it's a verb and a preposition. If they have to be taken together with a meaning that has little or nothing to do with the meaning of the verb alone, then it's a phrasal verb.
Went Out Phrasal Verb Example Explanation
Let’s use “went out” to explain how to recognize phrasal verbs.
- I went out of the room for a moment.
Here, the words in the phrase "went out" literally mean "went" and "out." This is a verb (went) and a preposition (out).
- I went out with him a few times.
Here, the phrase "went out" is a phrasal verb meaning "spent time romantically." It doesn't necessarily indicate that you went anywhere.
Take Action
Phrasal verbs might seem complex at first, but reading through a bunch of examples can help define this part of speech. Use verb worksheets to help you understand other kinds of verbs such as transitive verbs and helping verbs.