The letter S is definitely one of the cools kids on the alphabet block. We see it used frequently in words, sentences, and paragraphs. Even though it’s a popular letter, it's reliable too, always having the same pronunciation, that hissing “ess” sound.
Sometimes it butts up against a common vowel, as in sable. But, it’s also friendly enough to work next to a Q or a U, as in squishiness or submarine. Pretty versatile, right? Let’s take a closer look at some nouns that start with S.
What Is a Noun?
A noun is defined as a person, place, thing, or idea. They're often accompanied by articles like "a," "an," and "the." Nouns love to act as the subject of a sentence. For example, "The sandstorm kept me away from my Saharan adventure."
They also like to pop up as the object of a sentence, too. That means they'll come after the verb in the sentence. For example, "The fairy dropped sparkles on my head." Nouns also function as names, including people, cities, and more.
50 Nouns Starting with S
The letter S can do a whole lot more than sparkle and shine. It can also be served in our favorite spaghetti dish or spun into a dramatic saga. Ready for more? Here are 50 nouns starting with S.
- Sable - a mammal of northern Eurasia with soft, dark fur
- Sabotage - an intentional destruction of something
- Sachet - a small bag filled with things that smell nice
- Sacrifice - the act of giving up or forgoing something
- Saddle - a padded seat on a horse or bike
- Sadness - the state or emotion of being sad
- Saga - a long story, especially about something dramatic or heroic events
- Saltiness - the property of being salty
- Sandstorm - a strong wind carrying clouds of sand and dust through the air
- Satsuma - a small variety of orange; a type of Japanese pottery
- Scale - a system or series of marks used for measuring
- Scandal - a disgraceful incident, or result of actions that are considered morally unacceptable
- Scarlet - a vibrant red color
- Schemer - someone who plots or formulates plans
- Script - the written words of a play, movie, or show
- Sculpture - the art of making forms and figures in clay or other materials
- Seashore - the land along the sea or ocean
- Season - one of four divisions in a calendar year
- Secret - something kept from public knowledge
- Seeker - one who searches or looks for something
- Selfishness - the condition of putting one’s own interests before others
- Sensation - any sort of impressions of the senses
- September - the ninth month of the year
- Shade - an area of darkness caused by an object blocking light
- Shadow - a reflection of something produced by light hitting the object
- Shelter - a structure that provides cover or protection
- Signal - a means of communicating a message
- Silence - a complete absence of sound
- Silver - a soft, grayish-white metal or color
- Singer - a person who sings, especially professionally
- Skeleton - the hard framework of an animal body that protects the organs
- Skyline - the outline, as of buildings or mountains, against the sky; the line along which the sky seems to touch the earth
- Slander - a false statement about someone that hurts their reputation
- Smattering - a small amount of something
- Smear - a dirty marking, stain, or smudge
- Smoker - a person who habitually smokes cigarettes, pipes, etc.
- Smudge - a stain, blur, or smear
- Sneakiness - the quality or state of being deceptive or sly
- Sneeze - a reflex used to expel objects in the nose to relieve irritation
- Snore - a snorting sound made when asleep, caused by the vibration of the soft palate
- Society - a group of people living as a community
- Solitude - the state of being alone
- Solution - the correct answer to a puzzle, problem, or difficult situation
- Soulmate - one of two persons compatible with each other in disposition
- Spaghetti - long strings of pasta
- Sparkle - a glittery, glowing, or brilliant particle
- Squishiness - the quality or state of being soft and pliable
- Stadium - a large, usually open structure with tiers of seats for spectators
- Stimulant - something that temporarily increases interest or the level of activity in a system, especially the nervous system
- Submarine - a boat designed to stay and travel underwater for a long time
Types of Nouns
As you can see from the examples above nouns function in many capacities. In fact, there are more than 10 different types of nouns. If they’re referring to a person or place, they’re likely acting as a proper noun (e.g. Pinocchio, Dublin, Hawaii, Sweden, and the Empire State Building). An example of that would be, "Dublin has fantastic food."
The opposite of a proper noun is a common noun. These nouns refer to general, unspecified things. In the example above, Sweden is a proper noun. But, if that line simply read, "Our favorite city has fantastic food," you'd know the subject was a common noun. Common nouns aren’t capitalized or specific.
Then, there are compound nouns (e.g., toothpaste and haircut), countable nouns, possessive nouns, and pronouns. It’s quite common to see both nouns and pronouns in a single sentence: "Killian boarded the ship to get back to her.”
10 Example Sentences with S
Some of those S-words were tricky, right? Some of them might be more familiar to you as verbs (e.g. sacrifice, smear, and sparkle). But it’s helpful to see them in their noun form, too.
Let’s continue the exploration with 10 S-words working in their noun capacity. Click on the link in each sentence to see more example sentences containing that S-noun:
- Riley hopped on her horse’s saddle and raced off to find her prince.
- Her sadness was apparent.
- They will never recover from the scandal they created.
- The mermaid swam along the seashore and wished upon a star.
- Mary wondered why her shadow always followed her.
- There was nothing in the cave but darkness and silence.
- The construction workers came upon a skeleton in the old building.
- As Santa slept, he let out a loud snore.
- Modern society exchanges information on the internet.
- Shall we go to the stadium to watch Owen play soccer?
Searching for S-Words
Does this list of nouns leave you searching for more S-words? WordFinder by YourDictionary has a superb list of words that start with S for you to explore. Skim the complete list of terms, which is organized by length, or use the on-screen filters to adjust your search. It’s easy to narrow results to terms with a specific word count or that include certain combinations of letters. You can even find S-words that end with a designated letter. You’ll probably be inspired to seek even more word lists after reviewing this one.
Supreme Sensation
The versatile letter S... It’s a good one, right? Although S-words often shapeshift in and out of verbs and nouns, don’t forget about their function as adjectives. When they slip into this form, they become supremely sensational, adding sparkle and shine. Have some fun with these 20 adjectives also starting with the letter S.