Are you modeling a dress or modelling a dress? This is a trick question because modeling and modelling mean the same thing. Whether you’re modeling (or modelling) clothes, a product or a building, the meaning is consistent, and so are the spelling standards.
When to Use Modeling or Modelling
When it comes to the difference between modeling and modelling, the only difference is in the extra “l.” The simple answer is that American English spells the word with one “l” and British English spells it with two.
The word model comes from the Middle French modelle, which itself is derived from the Latin modus meaning “manner” or “measure.” Modelling and modeling are two synonymous forms of the verb "to model" which means “to show” or “display,” usually in reference to fashion or a structure.
Examples of Modelling in a Sentence
Modelling is the British English spelling of the verb and ultimately the most commonly used internationally. This spelling is used in the U.K., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
They were modelling dresses from the new Vivienne Westwood collection.
She phoned the modelling agency.
She modelled her new Burberry coat.
Examples of Modeling in a Sentence
Although the double "l" spelling may be seen in the fashion world, modeling is the more common spelling in the U.S.
She was modeling the new plan for the building.
He announced that he would be retiring from modeling.
They are modeling the Vera Wang collection in New York.
Find the Fashionable Spelling
In addition to modeling and modelling, there are many other words that are spelled with one “l” or two depending on whether they are American or British English. For example, the difference between canceled and cancelled. Some other words that are spelled differently in American and British English include toward and towards.