Latin abbreviations show up in many kinds of texts written in English. Some, like terms used to reference morning (a.m.) or afternoon (p.m.) time frames, even show up in everyday conversation. Discover some of the most common Latin abbreviations, what words or phrases they stand for, and what they mean.
Latin Abbreviations in Academic Writing
Many Latin abbreviations are used in academic and scholarly writing, most commonly related to citations.
Abbreviation | Stands for | Meaning(s) |
cf. | confer | compare, bring together - used in endnotes or footnotes to direct readers to arguments that differ from what is presented |
e.g. | exempli gratia | for example |
et al. | et alii | and others, and other people |
ibid | ibidem | in the same place - used in endnotes or footnotes when referencing a previously cited source (same page numbers) |
id | idem | the same person - less common alternative to ibid |
i.e. | id est | that is to say, what that means is |
viz. | videlicet | namely, that is, to wit |
Latin Abbreviations in Legal Terminology
Legal documents and proceedings, such as hearings and court cases, commonly use Latin abbreviations and other types of legal abbreviations.
Abbreviation | Stands for | Meaning(s) |
et con | et conjunx | and husband, with husband - used to indicate that a wife and husband entered into an agreement or appeared together |
et seq. | et sequentes | and the following - after stating the first item in a list or page in a series, this abbreviation may be used to indicate what follows |
J.D. | Juris Doctor | doctor of law - degree conferred upon graduation from law school |
L.S. | locus sigilli | in place of the seal - used on formal documents to indicate where a notary public should mark with a seal |
N.B. | nota bene | pay attention, note well - used to direct attention to something of particular importance |
re | res | in the matter of - used to refer to the primary matter of interest in a legal case |
v. | versus | against - used in court case citations (Brown v. Board of Education) |
Latin Abbreviations in Medicine
A number of Latin abbreviations are commonly used in the field of medicine. Doctors use these abbreviations in their notes and instructions to staff members and pharmacists or when communicating with patients. Prescriptions and instructions for medical treatments or equipment are sometimes labeled with medical abbreviations.
Abbreviation | Stands for | Meaning(s) |
a.c. | ante cibum | before meals - used to indicate that a medication should be taken immediately prior to eating a meal |
a.d. | auris dextra | the right ear |
ad lib. | ad libitum | at one’s pleasure - to take a medicine or use a treatment as often as one wants to do so |
a.s. | auris sinistra | the left ear |
a.u. | auris utraque | both ears |
bib | bibe | to drink - to consume a medicine or treatment by drinking |
b.i.d. | bis in die | twice daily - medicine or treatment that should be taken or administered two times each day |
p.c. | post cibum | after meals - medication that should be taken immediately after consuming a meal |
p.r.n. | pro re nata | as needed - medication or treatment should be administered as needed by the patient; medical professionals are sometimes hired to work p.r.n., meaning they will be scheduled to work as the hospital or other employer needs them to do so |
q.i.d. | quater in die | four times per day - medicine or treatment that should be taken or administered four times each day |
Rx | recipere | to take - used to refer to medication prescribed by a physician |
stat | statim | immediately - immediate action should be taken |
u.d. ut. dict. | ut dictum | as directed - administer medicine or treatment as instructed |

Latin Abbreviations Referencing Time
The most commonly used abbreviations for time of day or years in reference to their position in history are Latin in origin.
Abbreviation | Stands for | Meaning(s) |
A.D. | anno Domini | in the year of our Lord - used with all years after the one in which Jesus is believed to have been born are labeled as A.D. |
a.m. | ante meridiem | before midday - indicates the hours from 12 a.m. (midnight) to 11:59 a.m. |
ca. or c. | circa | around, approximately, not exact - primarily used to indicate a point in time; antiques from a certain area are said to be ca. that timeframe (ca. 1900s) |
pro tem. | pro tempore | for the time being, temporary, provisional |
p.a. | per annum | yearly, annual |
p.m. | post meridiem | after midday - indicates the hours from 12 p.m. (noon) to 11:59 p.m. |
Latin Abbreviations Used in Everyday Language
Latin abbreviations aren’t only used in academia, law, medicine, or in relation to time. Some of these common abbreviations are frequently used in other types of writing and day-to-day communication.
Abbreviation | Stands for | Meaning(s) |
C.V. | curriculum vitae | course of life - summary of a person’s education, work history, and job qualifications; similar to a resume |
etc. | et cetera | and others, and the rest |
lb. | libra | pound, measure of weight/mass |
vs. | versus | opposed to - used to draw comparisons (one thing vs. another) |

Expand Your Knowledge of Latin
Now that you are aware of some of the most common Latin abbreviations used in writing and other forms of communication, dig a little deeper and further expand your knowledge of Latin. Start by learning a list of Latin vocabulary words appropriate for those who are new to the language. Explore Latin words and phrases commonly used in English and some of the most beautiful Latin words and meanings. If you still want to learn more, consider building on your knowledge by studying Greek and Latin root words.