Navigating the insurance industry can be complicated enough without having to learn new acronyms and abbreviations. Whether you’re scanning your last medical bill or filing an automobile insurance claim, it’s good to know what all those terms mean. Keep reading to find a thorough list of abbreviations for the health and auto insurance industries.
Health Insurance Abbreviations
If you need to use your health insurance policy, chances are that you’re in a difficult situation. Be your own advocate by knowing the necessary abbreviations used in health insurance documents.
General Health Insurance Abbreviations
Perhaps you've familiarized yourself with prescription abbreviations, but what’s a DO? How do you get a COI? Is the ACA a viable option for you and your family? Check out the terms you need with this list of general healthcare abbreviations.
- A&G - Administrative and General
- ABN - Advance Beneficiary Notice
- ACT - Assertive Community Treatment
- ADHC - Adult Day Health Care
- ADT - Admission, Discharge, and Transfer
- AIU - Adopt, Implement, and Upgrade
- ALC - Alternate Level of Care
- ALOS - Average Length of Stay
- ALP - Assisted Living Program
- ALS - Advanced Life Support
- AMA - Against Medical Advice
- APC - Advanced Primary Care
- CC - Complications and Comorbidities
- CCD - Continuity of Care Document
- CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
- CIN - Clinically Integrated Network
- CLAS - Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services
- COB - Coordination of Benefits
- COC - Certificate of Coverage
- COI - Certificate of Insurance
- COMP - Comprehensive Insurance
- CON - Certificate of Need
- CPT - Current Procedural Terminology
- DME - Durable Medical Equipment
- DOS - Date of Service
- DRG - Diagnosis Related Group
- E&M - Evaluation and Management
- ECHO - Emergency Care and Hospital Operations
- EHR - Electronic Health Record
- ELPS - English Language Proficiency Survey
- EMR - Electronic Medical Record
- EMS - Emergency Medical Services
- EOB - Explanations of Benefits
- EOC - Evidence of Coverage or Effectiveness of Care
- EOMB - Explanation of Medicare Benefits
- FOB - Field of Practice
- HISP - Health Information Service Provider
- HIT - Health Information Technology
- I-STOP - Internet System for Tracking Over-Prescribing
- ICM - Individual Case Management
- Ins - Insurance
- IP - Inpatient
- LEP - Limited English Proficiency
- LOS - Length of Stay
- LTC - Long-Term Care
- LTD - Long Term Disability
- LWDII - Lost Work Day Injury and Illness
- MA - Medical Assistance
- Max - Maximum
- MB - Medical Benefits
- MCO - Managed Care Organization
- MCS - Managed Care System
- MLTC - Managed Long-Term Care
- MM - Major Medical
- MOLST - Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment
- NDC - National Drug Code
- OP - Outpatient
- OPL - Other Party Liability
- OTC - Over the Counter
- PERS - Personal Emergency Response System
- PHA - Personal Health Assessment
- PHI - Protected Health Information
- PHR - Personal Health Record
- POA - Power of Attorney
- QA - Quality Assurance
- QI - Quality Improvement
- Remit - Remittance
- Retro - Retroactive
- ROI - Release of Information
- Rx - Prescription Drug
- SBC - Uniform Summary of Benefits and Coverage
- SDS - Socio-Demographic Status
- SES - Socioeconomic Status
- SSN - Social Security Number
- STD - Short-Term Disability
- UR - Utilization Review
- WH - Withhold
- YTD - Year to Date
Facility Abbreviations
How you are covered by insurance largely depends on where you received medical services. Some examples of facilities that may appear as insurance abbreviations include:
- ACF - Adult Care Facility
- ALF - Assisted Living Facility
- ASC - Ambulatory Surgical Center
- CAH - Critical Access Hospital
- CCU - Cardiac Care Unit
- CHC - Community Health Center
- D&T - Diagnostic and Treatment Center
- ECF - Extended Care Facility
- ED - Emergency Department
- ER - Emergency Room
- HOPD - Hospital Outpatient Department
- ICU - Intensive Care Unit
- IOM - Institute of Medicine
- LTCH - Long Term Care Hospital
- MDH - Medicare Dependent Hospital
- OR - Operating Room
- OV - Office Visit
- PCMH - Patient-Centered Medical Home
- SNF - Skilled Nursing Facility
- UCC - Urgent Care Center
Authorization and Financial Abbreviations
The most confusing parts of an insurance statement concern whether a patient can receive services (authorization) and how the patient will pay for those services (finances). Take a look at this list to see abbreviations that may pop up on your next hospital bill.
- AB - Allowed Benefit
- APM - Advanced Alternative Payment Model
- APTC - Advanced Premium Tax Credit
- Auth - Authorization
- BD/CC - Bad Debt/Charity Care
- BPCI - Bundled Payments for Care Improvement
- CCR - Cost-to-Charge Ratio
- CRY - Cost Reporting Year
- DP - Direct Pay or Direct Processing
- E&B, EB, or EAB - Enrollment and Billing
- E&L - Exclusions and Limitations
- FFS - Fee for Service
- FFY - Federal Fiscal Year
- FI - Fiscal Intermediary
- FSA - Flexible Spending Account
- HRA - Health Reimbursement Account
- HRET - Health Research & Educational Trust
- HSA - Health Savings Account
- IRF - Inpatient Reading Fee
- MAC - Maximum Allowable Cost/Maximum Annual Copayment
- MEIPASS - Medicaid EHR Incentive Payment Administrative Support Service
- MIPS - Merit-based Incentive Payment System
- Medigap - Medicare Supplemental Insurance
- MEDS - Medi-Cal Eligibility Data System
- MLR - Medical Loss Ratio
- MOOP - Maximum Out of Pocket
- OOP - Out-of-Pocket
- OPAP - Outpatient Pretreatment Authorization Plan
- OCL - Outstanding Claims Liability
- Pre-auth - Pre-Authorization
- Pre-X - Pre-existing Conditions
- SF - Self-Funded
- SSI - Supplemental Security Income
- TrOOP - True Out of Pocket
- UCC - Uncompensated Care
- WC - Worker's Compensation
Plan-Specific Abbreviations
What’s the best type of insurance plan for you? Stay updated on the many abbreviations that deal with how much insurance you have with these terms that are specific to insurance plans.
- AHIP - America’s Health Insurance Plans
- ASC - Administrative Service Contract
- ASO - Administrative Services Only
- BHP - Basic Health Program
- CDHP - Consumer-Directed Health Plan
- CMP - Competitive Medical Plan
- HDHP - High-Deductible Health Plan
- HEDIS®: Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set
- HMO - Health Maintenance Organization
- MEC - Minimum Essential Coverage
- Non-par - Not participating (out-of-network)
- NPI - National Provider Identifier
- OOA - Out-of-Area Program
- Par or PAR - Participating
- PPA - Preferred Provider Arrangement
- PPO - Preferred Provider Organization
- QHP - Qualified Health Plan
- SEGO - Small Employer Group Options
- SRO - Self Referral Option
Healthcare Professional Abbreviations
Health insurance documents often include the healthcare professional who treated you or handled your case. Here are some examples of abbreviations for professions that you might see in an insurance document.
- AHP - Allied Health Professional
- CMIO - Chief Medical Information Officer
- CMO - Chief Medical Officer
- CNA - Certified Nurse Aide
- CNM - Certified Nurse Midwife
- CNO - Chief Nursing Officer
- CPHQ - Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality
- CRNA - Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
- CRNP - Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner
- DO - Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
- EMT - Emergency Medical Technician
- LPN - Licensed Practical Nurse
- LPT - Licensed Physical Therapist
- LVN - Licensed Vocational Nurse
- MAC - Medicare Administration Contractor
- MD - Medical Doctor
- NP - Nurse Practitioner
- OB - Obstetrician
- OB-GYN - Obstetrician-Gynecologist
- PA - Physician's Assistant
- PCA - Personal Care Assistant
- PCP - Primary Care Physician
- PT - Physical Therapist
- RN - Registered Nurse
- RPT - Registered Physical Therapist
- RT - Respiratory Therapist
- SLP - Speech-Language Pathologist
Committee and Association Abbreviations
Every health insurance policy and decision is regulated by various committees, bureaus, organizations, or administrations. Abbreviations for these groups include:
- AAHPM - American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
- AAHSA - American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
- AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics
- ACIP - Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
- ACO - Accountable Care Organization
- ACOG - American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- ACS - American Community Survey
- AHRQ - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- AMA - American Medical Association
- AMIA - American Medical Informatics Association
- APS - Adult Protective Services
- ARRC - Administrative Regulations Review Commission
- ASPE - Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS
- BCBSA - Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
- BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics
- BOI - Bureau of Insurance
- CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- CHHA - Certified Home Health Agency
- CHIP - Children's Health Insurance Program
- CMS - Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (previously HCFA)
- CPHP - Center for Public Health Preparedness
- CPS - Child Protective Services
- DFS - Department of Financial Services
- DHMH - Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
- DHMO - Dental Health Maintenance Organization
- DMAS - Department of Medical Assistance Services
- DMO - Dental Maintenance Organization
- DOH - Department of Health
- DOL - Department of Labor
- EPO - Exclusive Provider Organization
- FDA - Food and Drug Administration
- FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
- HCACC - Health Care Access and Cost Commission
- HCFA - Health Care Finance Administration
- HHA - Home Health Agency
- HHS - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- HIAA - Health Insurance Association of America
- HSCRC - Health Services Cost Review Commission
- IPA - Independent or Individual Practice Association
- ISO - International Organization for Standardization
- JCAHO - Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
- LHCSA - Licensed Home Care Services Agency
- NAIC - National Association of Insurance Commissioners
- NASCO - National Account Service Corporation
- NCCN - National Comprehensive Cancer Network
- NCI - National Cancer Institute
- NCQA - National Committee for Quality Assurance
- NCVHS - National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics
- NCHS - National Center for Health Statistics
- NHeLP - National Health Law Program
- NHPC - National Health Plan Collaborative
- NIMH - National Institute of Mental Health
- OCR - Office for Civil Rights, HHS
- OMB - Office of Management and Budget
- OMH - Office of Minority Health, HHS
- ONC - Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, HHS
- P&T - Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee
- PHIN - Public Health Information Network
- PHO - Physician Hospital Organization
- PPN - Preferred Provider Network
- SSA - Social Security Administration
Legislation and Program Abbreviation
Thanks to healthcare legislation and programs such as the ADA, COBRA, EPIC, and FMLA, people who need healthcare have access to the services they need. Check out this list of important laws, acts, and regulations that maintain American healthcare.
- ACA - Affordable Care Act
- ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
- ADAP - AIDS Drug Assistance Program
- AHA - American Hospital Association
- AHCA - American Health Care Association
- ARRA - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
- CHAMPUS - Civilian Hospital and Medical Program of the Uniformed Service (Tricare)
- COBRA - Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986
- CPEP - Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program
- DBL - Disability Benefits Law
- DEFRA - Deficit Reduction Act of 1984
- EAP - Employee Assistance Program
- EIP - Early Intervention Program
- EISEP - Expanded In-Home Services for the Elderly Program
- EMTALA - Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act
- EPIC - Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage
- ERISA - Employee Retirement Income Security Act
- FAMIS - Family Access to Medical Insurance Security Plan
- FEBHP - Federal Employee Benefits Health Plan
- FEP - Federal Employee Program
- FHCDA - Family Health Care Decisions Act of 2010
- FICA - Federal Insurance Contribution Act
- FMLA - Family and Medical Leave Act
- FOIA - Freedom of Information Act
- HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
- HCRA - Health Care Reform Act
- HCUP - Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
- MACRA - Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015
- MHPAEA - Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act
- MIPPA - Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008
- MMA - Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003
- MMSEA - Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007
- MSSOP - Mandatory Second Surgical Opinion Program
- NQF - National Quality Forum
- NRC - National Research Council
- NSC - National Safety Council
- OBRA - Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986
- OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Act
- OTP - Opioid Treatment Program
- PHL - Public Health Law
- PPACA - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
- RAETT - U.S. Census Bureau's 1996 Racial and Ethnic Targeted Test
- TANF - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
- TEFRA - Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982
- VAPAP - Vital Access Provider Assurance Program
- WIC - Women, Infants and Children (supplemental food program)
Medical Terminology Abbreviations
Health insurance companies can no longer refuse coverage based on pre-existing conditions. However, some conditions require more care and insurance involvement than others. You might find the following abbreviations in a health insurance statement or medical bill.
- AD&D - Accidental Death and Dismemberment
- ADE - Adverse Drug Event
- AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
- AMI - Acute Myocardial Infarction
- BSI - Bloodstream Infection
- CAD - Coronary Artery Disease
- CBE - Clinical Breast Examination
- CHD - Coronary Heart Disease
- CHF - Congestive Heart Failure
- CLABSI - Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection
- CLI - Central Line Infection
- COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- CVA - Cerebral Vascular Accident
- DNR - Do-Not-Resuscitate Order
- DVT - Deep Vein Thrombosis
- ENT - Ears, Nose and Throat
- ESRD - End Stage Renal Disease
- HAC - Healthcare-Acquired Condition
- HAI - Healthcare-Acquired Infection
- IUD - Intrauterine Device
- IV - Intravenous
- LAIV - Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine
- MAT - Medication-Assisted Treatment
- MCC - Major Complication or Comorbidity
- MICA - Mentally Ill Chemical Abuser
- MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- SAE - Serious Adverse Event
- SARS - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
- SSI - Surgical Site Infection
- SSO - Second Surgical Opinion
- ST - Speech Therapy
- SUD - Substance Use Disorder
- TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
- TB - Tuberculosis
- THA - Total Hip Arthroplasty
- TJA - Total Joint Arthroplasty
- VAE - Ventilator-Associated Event
- VSSOP - Voluntary Second Surgical Opinion
Car Insurance Abbreviations
Driving on the open road can be liberating – but make sure you’re properly insured before you get going! Like health insurance, automobile insurance involves many abbreviations that make life easier for providers but more complicated for customers. Check out these abbreviations that you might see on your next insurance policy.
Coverage and Policy Abbreviations
Buying a car can be a lot less frustrating if you know how to choose the policy you need. Read this list of abbreviations to learn terms relevant to adding coverage to an automobile insurance policy.
- AIP - Assigned Risk
- BAP - Business Auto Policy
- BI - Bodily Injury Liability Insurance
- BOP - Business Owners Policy
- CISR - Certified Insurance Service Representative
- CFR - Certificate of Financial Responsibility (also known as an SR-22)
- COLL - Collision Coverage for Insured Vehicle Damages
- COMP - Comprehensive Coverage for Vehicle Theft, Vandalism, or Vehicle vs Animal
- CVIN - Confidential Vehicle Identification Number
- CPT - Current Procedural Terminology
- Dec or Dec Page - Declarations Page of insurance policy
- DED - Deductible
- DMV - Department of Motor Vehicles
- DOT - Department of Transportation
- DOB - Date of Birth
- DOC - Driver Other Car coverage
- DOI - Department of Insurance
- ETB - Engaged in Trade or Business
- EXC - Excluded Driver
- FCRA - Fair Credit Reporting Act
- FIC - Foreign Insurance Policy
- FTCAC - Fire, Theft, and Combined Additional Coverage
- GAP - Guaranteed Auto Protection
- GEICO - Government Employee Insurance Company
- GL - General Liability
- GVW - Gross Vehicle Weight
- GWP - Gross Written Premium
- LOC - Letter of Credit
- MPCI - Multi-Peril Crop Insurance
- MSF - Motorcycle Safety Foundation
- OOP - Out of Pocket
- PA - Public Adjuster
- PAP - Personal Auto Policy
- PH - Policy Holder
- P&I - Protection and Indemnity
- PIA - Primary Insurance Account
- PIP - Personal Injury Protection or Personal Injury Policy
- PMA - Package Modification Adjustment
- REG - Registration / Registered
- RBC - Risk-Based Capital
- RBNE - Reserved but not Enough
- RPA - Registered Professional Adjuster
- RR - Rental Reimbursement Coverage
- SPAP - Special Personal Auto Policy
- SRS - Supplementary Restraint System
- SPIN - Secondary Product Identification Number
- SVIN - Secondary Vehicle Identification Number
- UL - Umbrella Liability; Underwriters' Laboratories
- UM - Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Coverage
- UMPD - Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Coverage
- U&O - Use and Occupancy
- VIN - Vehicle Identification Number
Claim Abbreviations
If you’re in a car accident or your vehicle is stolen, the last thing you want to do is decipher an alphabet soup of abbreviations in your claim. Here are some common acronyms and abbreviations that you may need to file a claim in the case of BI, HWP, or LMV.
- AD - Auto Damage or Adverse Driver
- BI - Bodily Injury
- CC - Claimant Carrier
- CD - Claimant Driver
- CL or CLMT - Claimant
- CP - Claimant Vehicle Passenger
- CV - Claimant Vehicle
- CVD - Claimant Vehicle Driver
- DNOP - Driver Not On Policy
- FX - Fracture
- HWP - Hit While Parked
- ID - Insured Driver
- IGP - Insured Guest Passenger
- IV - Insured Vehicle
- IVD - Insured Vehicle Driver
- LAE - Loss Adjustment Expense
- LD - Loaned Driver
- LH - Lienholder
- LMV - Larceny of a Motor Vehicle
- MVA - Motor Vehicle Accident
- NI - Named Insured
- NISP - Named Insured's Spouse
- NRT - National Response Team
- OT - Other Party or Other Person
- OTC - Other Than Collision
- OV - Other Vehicle
- PAR - Police Accident Report
- P&C - Property and Casualty
- PC - Professional Corporation
- PED - Pedestrian
- PI - Personal Injury
- PR - Police Report
- QC - Questionable Claim
- RATT - Regional Auto-Theft Taskforce
- R/E - Rear End
- RP - Reporting Party
- RS - Recorded Statement
- RSM - Receiving a Stolen Motor Vehicle
- S/S - Stop Sign
- S/T - Soft Tissue
- SWP - Struck While Parked
- TPA - Third-Party Administrator
- UIM - Underinsured Motorist
- UIMV - Underinsured Motor Vehicle
- ULD - Unlisted Driver
- UMBI - Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury
- UMV - Uninsured Motor Vehicle
- V1 - Victim One
Post-Claim Abbreviations
You’ve filed your claim and the car insurance companies are handling it. Now what? Here’s a list of terms that you may see after an accident that detail medical treatment, benefits, and judgments of fault.
- ACV - Actual Cash Value
- ALE - Additional Living Expenses
- AOB - Assignment of Benefits
- CN - Contributory Negligence
- DC - Chiropractor
- DI - Disability Income
- DJ - Declaratory Judgement
- DOL - Date of Loss
- DOJ - Department of Justice
- DOD - Date of Death
- EUO - Examination Under Oath
- FOL - Facts of Loss
- FMV - Fair Market Value
- FNOL - Fair Notice of Loss
- FVD - Full Value Declared
- IFC - Insured Fixed-Price Cleanup
- IME - Independent Medical Exam
- IMR - Independent Medical Record Review
- LMTCB - Left Message to Call Back
- LTA - Lost Time Accident; Long Term Agreement
- MP or Med Pay - Medical Payments Coverage
- MVR - Motor Vehicle Record/Report
- NF - No Fault
- NICB - National Insurance Crime Bureau
- OSLR - Outstanding Loss Reserves
- PD - Property Damage
- PT - Physical Therapy
- RC - Replacement Cost
- RTW - Return to Work
- SIU - Special Investigative Unit (Investigator)
- SNOL - Statement of No Loss
- TDB - Temporary Disability Benefits
- TL - Total Loss
- TTD - Temporary Total Disability
- TX - Treatment
- ULAE - Unallocated Loss Adjustment Expenses
- UNL - Ultimate Net Loss
- WC - Workers Compensation
- WCB - Workers Compensation Board
More Personal Finance Resources
Now that you’ve got insurance abbreviations under control, see if you can master more personal finance terms. An in-depth article lists financial abbreviations for investment and banking decisions. You can also read through examples of financial liabilities if you’re ready to get your fiscal life under control.