Happiness is infectious and fun. This is especially true if you are using the word happy in your poetry or as part of your learning lesson. Having trouble thinking of words that rhyme with happy? Get some sappy rhymes for happy, and hope your students aren’t yappy.
Find Perfect Rhymes for the Word Happy
It’s time to rhyme. Time to find a perfect rhyme for happy, that is. If you're wondering, "What rhymes with happy?" the answer is it's one of those words that doesn’t have many perfect rhymes, but there are a few of them out there you can try with your class or in your poems. Young kids and adults alike can appreciate a good rhyme for the word happy. So that you can get the most out of your rhyming adventure, some of these rhymes come from British English in addition to American English.
cappy | chappy | crappy |
dappy | flappy | gappy |
lappy | nappy | pappy |
sappy | scrappy | slappy |
snappy | tappy | trappy |
unhappy | yappy | zappy |
Near Rhymes for Happy
While perfect rhymes for happy are a little sparse, don’t let that make you sad. Why? Because you can astound your audience with a few near rhymes for happy. Near rhymes don’t have a perfect rhyming pattern, but they are pretty close. These words’ sounds are so similar to happy that you don’t even notice most of the time. For example, near rhymes of happy might end in -by or -ty like Abby and natty. Investigate a few near rhymes for happy.
Abby | acne | addy |
alley | badly | batty |
bratty | bury | candy |
catty | chatty | crabby |
crafty | carry | daddy |
dandy | faffy | fancy |
flabby | grabby | haply |
laddie | paddy | patty |
poppy | puppy | savvy |
shabby | sloppy | tabby |
tacky | valley | wacky |
Synonyms For Words That Rhyme With Happy
Did happy not fit in your poetry the way you wanted it to? Are you teaching your class about synonyms as well as rhymes? In that case, it’s beneficial to look at a few synonyms for happy. This not only makes your rhyme game stronger but gives you a bit of variety when you are stumped for that next line. Explore these synonyms for happy, along with a few rhyming words.
Words That Rhyme With Happiness
When you’re trying to create the imagery of being happy, but it’s not working with your rhyme scheme, happiness can quickly fill the spot. Explore a list of different words that rhyme or nearly rhyme with happiness to make your readers and learners happy.
cattiness | cavernous | crappiness |
handiness | haughtiness | manliness |
nastiness | prettiness | sappiness |
snappiness | unhappiness | womanliness |
Words That Rhyme With Joy
Boy, now it’s time to look at words that rhyme with joy! Now is not the time to be coy because there is a nice list of perfect rhymes for joy. Hopefully, they don’t annoy!
alloy | annoy | boy |
corduroy | cowboy | coy |
decoy | deploy | destroy |
employ | enjoy | foy |
hoy | Mccoy | ploy |
Roy | savoy | soy |
toy | Troy | unemploy |
What Words Rhyme With Happy?
When it comes to words that rhyme with happy, you can find a few. While not an expansive list, if you look at a slant or near rhymes for happy, you’ll find a few more. Don’t let this joy end now. Keep your exploration of rhyme words going by looking at words related to smile. For example, you might explore words that rhyme with heart or words that rhyme with smile.