You’ve likely seen and used the word guarantee at some point, but have you ever seen it spelled guaranty? More specifically, is this a misspelling, an alternate spelling or a different word altogether? Discover all this plus how to use guaranty and guarantee in a sentence.
Guaranty or Guarantee: What's the Difference?
Guaranty and guarantee are two distinct words, although their meanings do overlap.
guaranty - a promise or understanding to pay money if someone else does not
guarantee - promise or assurance that certain conditions will be met
The Difference Is in the Definition
While the meanings of guaranty and guarantee overlap, only guarantee can be used as a verb. In contrast, the noun forms of guaranty and guarantee are similar, but guaranty has a narrower meaning. Companies make written or verbal guarantees all the time, but guaranty refers specifically to a written agreement that one party will pay the money required if another party fails to do so.
To remember the difference between the two words, recall that guarantee ends in two e’s which you can apply to everyone everywhere. In contrast, guaranty ends in “y” which can be between you and another party.
How and When to Use Guaranty
Guaranty is a noun defined as "a warrant or pledge that a financial obligation will be fulfilled by one party if another party fails to fulfill or pay an agreed-upon amount."
I received a written guaranty from the creditor.
The bank required a signed guaranty.
Do you have a credit guaranty?
Meaning and Usage of Guarantee
Guarantee as a Noun
In its noun form, a guarantee is "a promise or agreement that something will be done or that something is real." This is usually made in writing, but it can also be a vocal vow from one person to another.
You have my guarantee that you will be satisfied with your purchase.
The contract is a guarantee of job security and benefits.
He received a 10-year guarantee with his purchase.
Guarantee as a Verb
As a verb, guarantee means "the act of making a promise."
I guarantee that you will be satisfied with your purchase.
Their victory is guaranteed.
The first amendment guarantees freedom of speech and assembly.
Word Endings Can Change Word Meanings
In cases like guaranty and guarantee, the end of the words makes the difference in both the spelling and the meaning. Other words where the different endings change the meaning include normalcy and normality or historic and historical.