Using beautiful French terms can make anyone sound more elegant and kind. Learn some pretty French words you can incorporate into your everyday language to add beauty to your life.
Gorgeous French Words That Mean Beautiful
Just like in the English language, there are many ways to say “beautiful” in French.
- attrayant (masculine adjective) - attractive
- belle (feminine adjective) - beautiful
- charmante (feminine adjective) - charming or lovely
- éblouissante (feminine adjective) - dazzling
- étonnante (feminine adjective) - astonishing
- étourdissante (feminine adjective) - stunning
- jolie (feminine adjective) - pretty
- magnifique (feminine adjective) - magnificent or gorgeous
- mignon (masculine adjective) - good-looking or cute
Romantic French Terms That Celebrate Love
As a romance language, French words are known for their beautiful sounds and meanings. These love words can help bring some romance to your love life.
- amour (noun) - love
- amoureuse (noun) - girlfriend
- amoureux (noun) - boyfriend
- bisous (masculine noun) - kisses
- des tourtereaux (plural noun) - lovebirds
- embrasser (verb) - to kiss
- fleur (feminine noun) - flower
- chérie (feminine noun) - darling
- tendresse (feminine noun) - affection or tenderness
- trésor (masculine noun) - treasure

Elegant French Style Words
Familiar French words and phrases used in everyday English tend to be fashion words. These terms are stylish in both sound and meaning.
- arabesque (feminine noun) - Arabic style
- argenté (feminine adjective) - silver
- aubergine (feminine adjective) - eggplant/dark purple color
- bijou (masculine noun) - jewel
- cache-coeur (verb) - crossed/wrapped over the chest
- chapeau (masculine noun) - hat
- chaussures (plural noun) - shoes
- chemisier (masculine noun) - blouse
- foncé (feminine adjective) - dark
- marinière (feminine noun) - Breton style
- mélanger (verb) - mix
- moyenne (masculine noun) - medium
Inspirational and Cute French Words
If you’re looking for a little inspiration in life, a few French words can motivate you to do and be more.
- alunissage (feminine noun) - moon landing
- bienvenue (verb) - welcome
- chatoyer (verb) - to shimmer
- espérer (verb) - hope
- esprit (masculine noun) - mind
- etoile (feminine noun) - star
- félicitations (plural noun) - congratulations
- flâner (verb) - to wander with no destination in mind
- gentil (masculine noun) - kind
- meilleur (masculine noun) - best
- rayonner (verb) - to radiate or shine
- rêvasser (verb) - to daydream
- vivant (feminine nouns) - alive

Beautiful French Words With Simple Meanings
Even the French words for unpleasant, scary and mundane things can be beautiful.
- araignée (feminine noun) - spider
- blaireau (masculine noun) - badger
- boulangerie (feminine noun) - bakery
- camion (masculine noun) - truck
- chanson (feminine noun) - song
- coccinelle (feminine noun) - ladybug
- deuxième (noun) - second
- grenouille (feminine noun) - frog
- grisaille (feminine adjective) - grayness or gloominess
- jonquille (feminine noun) - daffodil
- mademoiselle (feminine noun) - miss (unmarried woman)
- pâquerette (feminine noun) - small wild daisy
- pâtisserie (feminine noun) - pastry shop
- poisson (masculine noun) - fish
- troisième (noun) - third
- vivace (feminine adjective) - perennial
Pour L'amour de la Beauté
“For the love of beauty,” you can use French dictionaries to help you find beautiful French terms. If you want to continue this multicultural exploration of beauty, check out the 25 most beautiful Latin words.