Whether you like your food salty or sweet (or prefer a combination of the two!) there are plenty of interesting foods that start with the letter "s." Boost your vocabulary and expand your diet by discovering an extensive list of fabulous foods that start with "s."
Fruits and Vegetables That Begin With S
There are also quite a few fruits and vegetables that begin with the letter "s." Try a fresh-from-the-garden or farmer's market selection from this list.
- seaweed
- Serrano peppers
- shallots
- shishito peppers
- star fruit
- snow peas
- soybeans
- sprouts
- strawberries
- string beans
- sugar baby watermelon
- summer squash
- Swiss chard
- sweet pepper
- sweet potato
Meat & Seafood Items Starting With S
A number of meats and seafood selections begin with the letter "s." Visit the butcher or seafood market for the freshest selections.
- salami
- salmon
- sardines
- sashimi
- sausage
- scallops
- shellfish
- shrimp
- soft-shell crabs
- sole
- Spam
- squab
- squid (calamari)
- steak
- steelhead trout
- sweetbreads
- swordfish
Appetizers and Breads That Start With S
Begin your meal with one of these savory appetizers. You'll be glad you started with one of these scrumptious selections.

- salsa
- saltine crackers
- samosas
- sausage balls
- seven-layer dip
- shrimp cocktail
- soba noodle soup
- soda bread
- soup
- sourdough bread
- spinach artichoke dip
- spinach dip
- Stilton cheese
- stuffed mushrooms
- Swiss cheese
Entree Dishes That Begin With S
While you could just prepare a basic meat or seafood main course, you don't have to stick to the basics. Consider one of these yummy entrees when you're looking for food that starts with "s" for the focal point of your meal.
- Salisbury Steak
- sauerbraten
- sausage pizza
- scalloped potatoes
- schnitzel
- scrambled eggs
- shepherd's pie
- shrimp and grits
- shrimp au gratin
- spaghetti and meatballs
- spatchcock
- St. Louis style ribs
- stew
- stroganoff
- stromboli
- stuffed shrimp
- submarine sandwiches
- sweet and sour chicken
- sweet and sour shrimp
- sushi
Superb Side Dishes That Start With S
There is no shortage of super sides that begin with "s," including both sweet and savory selections. Whether you're looking for veggie or carbohydrate options, there are plenty of choices that start with "s."

- sauerkraut
- sauteed spinach
- salad
- snow peas
- soba noodles
- souvlaki
- spaetzle
- spaghetti squash
- Spanish rice
- spinach au gratin
- spinach pie (also known as spanakopita)
- sticky rice
- stuffing
- sweet potato casserole
- sweet potato fries
- sweet potato hash
- sweet Vidalia onions
Herbs, Condiments and Oils That Start With S
Flavor your meal with one of these herbs, condiments or oils. You'll be glad you added a bit of pizazz to whatever you're eating.
- safflower oil
- salad dressing
- saffron
- sage
- salt
- sesame oil
- sesame seeds
- soffrito
- soy sauce
- star anise
- stevia
- strawberry jam
- sugar
- sunflower seeds
- sweet pickles
- sweet relish
- sweet Vidalia onion relish
Cakes and Cookies That Begin With S
Looking for something to satisfy your sweet tooth? What could be better than cookies or cake? Check out these options that start with the letter "s."

- s'mores
- sandwich cookies
- sheet cake
- spice cookies
- shortbread cookies
- snickerdoodle cookies
- spice cake
- sponge cake
- spritz cookies
- strawberry shortcake
- stollen
- streusel
- sugar cookies
- symphony cake
- Swiss roll
More Super Sweets That Begin With S
Cakes and cookies aren't the only sweet treats that start with "s." Try these other super-sweet treats!
- scone
- shoofly pie
- Snickers (candy bar)
- sorbet
- spumoni
- strawberry ice cream
- strawberry pie
- strudel
- sweet potato pie
- suckers (lollipops)
- sultanas (golden raisins)
- sumac
- Sugar Daddy (candy on a stick)
- sundae
- Sweet Tarts (candy)
Sauces and Syrups That Start With S
For even more great flavor, jazz up whatever you're eating with a sauce or a syrup that begins with "s." Most sauces and syrups have at least a bit of sweetness, even those intended to be served with meat or pasta.
- simple syrup
- sorghum syrup
- spaghetti sauce
- steak sauce
- strawberry syrup
- sugarcane syrup
Get Inspired to Try New Foods
It's amazing how many words that start with "s" are used to describe or name food. Now that you've been introduced to all of these great foods that start with "s," expand your culinary horizons even more by discovering more interesting foods that start with different letters of the alphabet. Go back to the beginning and uncover 60 foods that start with the letter "a" that you may want to try. You never know what fabulous dish you may discover.