Finding words that rhyme with fire can be challenging when you can’t think past tire or wire. However, you can find a vast world of perfect and slant rhymes for the word fire. And if that isn’t enough for your rhyming pallet, expand your horizons through synonyms like heat, flame and blaze.
Perfect Words That Rhyme With Fire
When composing your poetry or just in your writing, you can find the perfect word to rhyme with fire. While you might not have a need for tire or wire, words like aspire or desire might be perfectly what you were going for. Explore several perfect rhymes for the word fire.
admire | aspire | acquire |
attire | backfire | buyer |
choir | conspire | crier |
crossfire | desire | dire |
entire | expire | flyer |
fryer | her | higher |
hire | inspire | ire |
liar | mire | perspire |
prior | quire | require |
retire | rewire | shire |
spire | tire | transpire |
vampire | viar | umpire |
wildfire | wire | wyer |
Two-Word Phrases That Rhyme With Fire
While many different words rhyme with fire, sometimes these rhymes aren’t precisely what you’re looking for. Not to worry. Give a two-word rhyme a try. As you can see, various words follow the perfect rhyme scheme that ends in her. And these could be great for a love poem.
belie her | buy her | by her |
defy her | deny her | live wire |
pry her | try her | why her |
Slant Rhymes for the Word Fire
If those rhymes don’t fill your needs, move on to slant rhymes. These rhymes have a similar sound to what you’re looking for, but they aren’t perfect. However, slant rhymes still make readers happy. Take a look at some slant words that rhyme with fire.
adore | affair | allure |
appear | are | bare |
bear | blare | bore |
care | cheer | dear |
deer | dispair | driver |
fair | far | fear |
fiber | glare | hair |
hear | implore | impure |
lear | minor | more |
near | poor | restore |
revere | sear | seer |
sheer | spare | star |
stare | tear | there |
they’re | were | where |
Rhymes for Words Like Fire
The word fire gives you lots of different options when it comes to your rhyming game. However, if you're struggling, you might try some rhymes for words like fire.
Words That Rhyme With Blaze
Is your heart ablaze? Great! Find different words you can rhyme with blaze for your Valentine’s Day word games. Or you just might need some fun blaze rhymes your friends will remember.
always | amaze | appraise |
bays | daze | days |
graze | maze | pays |
phrase | praise | raise |
rays | stays | ways |
Words That Rhyme With Flame
Instead of a fire, you have a flame. Flame gets a bit more descriptive and has some exciting rhyme words that you can try. Review fun and inspiring words that rhyme with flame.
acclaim | aflame | aim |
became | blame | came |
claim | dame | disclaim |
exclaim | fame | frame |
game | lame | maim |
name | proclaim | reclaim |
same | shame | tame |
Words That Rhyme With Heat
You can’t beat this heat when we meet, right? Heat can be a fun word to try using rhymes with. Get your tongue ready for these excellent heat rhymes.
beat | beet | bleat |
cheat | elite | entreat |
feat | fleet | meet |
neat | offbeat | peat |
seat | sheet | sleet |
street | sweat | treat |
tweet | uncomplete | wheat |
These Rhymes Are on Fire
Finding a word that rhymes with fire is a fun time. You can admire or tire something, but there is also expire, buyer and try her. Since rhymes are fun, you don’t want to stop at just one. Traverse into the world of rhymes by looking at words that rhyme with night. If you're on more of an elemental journey, check out words that rhyme with world.