Your vows are some of the most important words you will ever write. It helps to have some unique wedding vow examples to inspire you. These heartfelt examples cover a range of wedding styles, and they take some of the stress out of writing your own vows and expressing your love in words on your big day.
Non-Traditional Wedding Vows
These non-traditional vows prove you don't have to stick to the standard "until death do us part" to make a meaningful and heartfelt statement on your wedding day. These vows are non-religious, but you can add a sacred element to them if you prefer.
One True Love
Today, I take you to be my best friend, my partner, and my one true love. I promise to show my love daily in words and deeds, to comfort you in times of struggle, and to celebrate with you in times of joy. I promise this today and for all the days of my life.
Grateful Every Day
I vow to be grateful for every day I share with you. Some days will be easy, the days - like this day - of joy and new beginnings. Some days will be unbearably hard. In the hard times and easy times, I promise to appreciate your presence by my side.
A Circle Unbroken
Like this ring I give to you today, let our love be a circle unbroken. Let our love be without beginning or end. Let our love be constant and pure. Let the strength of our union sustain us in times of ill health and ill luck, just as it does in times of great blessing and joy.
Romantic Wedding Vows
If you're a romantic couple, show that side of yourselves in your vows. These examples offer plenty of inspiration and creative ways to say "I love you."
I Give You My Heart
Today, in front of those we love, I give you my heart. I give it without hesitation, sure that it will be bruised at times by the chaos of life but sure also that it will know joy. I give it without expectation or cost, for that is the only way it can truly belong to another. I give it only with hope, only with love, and only with joy that from this day forth, you will hold my heart in your hands.
The Search for Meaning
All my life, I have searched for meaning. I've looked in books, in the words of wise leaders, in the stars of the night sky. I've spent years looking, but I did not find real meaning until I found you. In your eyes, I see the stars of the universe. In your words, I hear the wisdom of your beautiful heart. In our future together, I recognize more meaning than scholars find in all the books in all the libraries of the world. You are the reason I was put on this planet, and today, I pledge myself to you.
Until the Stars Fall From the Sky
Today, I vow to love you forever. I will love you when you are wild with struggle, when the world seems like a place of desperation and fear. I will love you when you are laughing and joyous, when the blessings unfold before us like flowers in a field. I will love you as the night of our life falls, as we grow old and watch our bodies change. I will love you when death parts us for a time, and you will still know my love on the last day of the world as all the stars fall from the sky like kisses from my lips.
Minimalist and Modern Wedding Vows
If you prefer a minimalist approach to your big day, your vows can reflect that style. These short and modern wedding vows prove that less is more.
Best and Worst
We have known each other at our best and at our worst. Today, I give myself to you no matter what may come ahead.
This Love Is Real
Today, I offer myself to you with all my faults and all my strengths. This love is real, and together, we will make it last a lifetime.
Comfort and Celebration
I promise today to respect your true nature, to speak and act with honesty and kindness, and to comfort you and celebrate with you in all life has in store for us.
Funny Wedding Vows
Even though it's a serious commitment, your wedding doesn't have to be a serious event. Add some humor to your big day with these hilarious wedding vows.
Old Old
I promise to grow old with you - not just ordinary old, but old old. Together, we will hold up traffic by driving way below the speed limit. We'll eat dinner at 4:30 just to get the early bird special. We'll yell at kids to get off our lawn and turn up the volume on the TV until the neighbors complain. We'll rub each other with medicated ointment and complain about kids these days. And every moment will be a joy, because I'll share it with you.
Is It Too Late?
In this moment, as we stand before our family and friends, hands joined and ready to pledge our future, I'm thinking one thing as I look into your eyes: "Is it too late to consider eloping?"
No, really, I'm thinking how lucky I am to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful and strong person. I pledge to make you laugh every day, starting today. I pledge to love you forever.
The Little Things
Even though this is a big day, we've learned by now that love is made up of the little things. These are my promises to you:
- I promise not to chew the last piece of gum in the pack, unless my breath is killing you.
- I promise not to recoil in horror when you put your cold feet on me in bed at night.
- I promise not to change the channel on the TV when you leave the room for a minute.
- I promise to laugh at all your movie references, even though I've heard them a million times.
- I promise to assemble IKEA furniture with you without fighting.
- I promise to love you forever.
Perfect Quotes for Wedding Vows
You can also create unique wedding vows by starting with a famous love quote or wedding saying. From there, expand with your own words. These quotes make great starting points.
- "He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." - Emily Bronte
- "And think not that you can direct the course of love. For love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course." - Khalil Gibran
- "I would not wish any companion in the world but you." - William Shakespeare
- "Marry someone who laughs at the same things you do." - J. D. Salinger
- "The best thing to hold onto in life is each other." - Audrey Hepburn
- "When someone else's happiness is your happiness, that is love." - Lana Del Rey
- "Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be." - Robert Browning
Express Your Emotions in Words
From vows to bridal thank-you notes, there's no need to stress about writing when it comes to your wedding day. Simply express your emotions in words, and the truth of what you are saying will make the writing special.