Ubiquitous refers to something that is found everywhere, at the same time. This can be things that are universal by nature, commonplace or a fashion trend.
Ubiquitous Worldwide Fashions and Trends in the 20th Century
- American Bandstand
- American Gladiators
- Barbie dolls
- Beanies
- The Beatles
- Bellbottom pants
- Black lights
- Cabbage Patch Kids dolls
- Car air fresheners
- The Charleston (dance)
- Chat Rooms
- Clackers
- Claw vending machines
- Discman
- Dr. Martens
- Drive-in theater
- Elvis Presley
- Extreme sports
- Flappers (the Roaring 20s)
- Gigapets and Tomogatchi
- Girl Power
- Grunge music and style
- Hip-Hop Fashion
- Hula hoops
- I've fallen and I can't get up!
- Koosh Balls
- Lava lamps
- The Macarena
- Miniskirts Mood rings
- Mortal Kombat games
- Oprah's Book Club
- Oreo cookies
- Pac-Man
- Peace symbol
- Pet rocks
- Pogs
- Pokemon
- Polly Pocket Toys
- Poodle skirts
- Push Pops
- Radio Disney
- Ripped sweatshirts (after the movie Flashdance)
- Rubik's cube
- Silly Putty
- Slap bracelets
- Slammer Whammers
- Slinky
- Spuds MacKenzie
- Stoner and slacker humor - Beavis and Butthead, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, etc.
- SUV's
- Swallowing goldfish
- Tickle Me Elmo
- Tie-dye
- Trapper Keeper
- Tupperware
- V-Chips (for TVs)
- What would Jesus do?
- Yo-yos
Ubiquitous Fashions and Trends in the 21st Century
- American Idol
- Atkins / Low Carb Diets
- Blogging
- Bluetooth
- Botox
- Bratz Dolls
- Craigslist
- Crocs shoes
- Dance Dance Revolution
- Dragonball Z
- Emo music & style
- Energy Drinks - Red Bull, Monster Energy, etc.
- Fantasy leagues
- Flare jeans
- Flash mobs
- Gel pens
- Geocaching
- High School Musical
- Hybrid cars
- iPods
- Jared the Subway Guy
- LiveSTRONG yellow wristbands supporting the fight against cancer
- Lonelygirl15
- Low rise jeans
- Mentos and Coke
- Napolean Dynamite
- Numa Numa web video
- Oversized sunglasses
- Pimped rides
- P2P File Sharing - Napster, Kaaza, etc.
- Pocket bikes
- Razor scooters
- Reality TV shows
- Ring tones
- Robotic pets
- Skinny jeans
- Snoop Dogg speak
- Social networks - MySpace.com, Facebook.com, LinkedIn, etc.
- Speed dating
- Sudoku puzzles
- Texas Hold 'em Poker
- Text messaging
- The Da Vinci Code
- Thongs
- Tivo and DVR
- TV/DVD screens in automobiles
- Uggs boots
- Using Online Slang when talking - OMG, BRB, LOL etc.
- Vanilla Coke
- Victoria's Secret Fashion Show
- Vlogs
- Wide skate shoes with fat laces
- Webkinz
- Wikis
- Wireless camera phones
- World of Warcraft
- YouTube
Ubiquitous Human Feelings
- Anger
- Anticipation
- Appreciation
- Confusion
- Disgust
- Distrust
- Envy
- Fear
- Hate
- Hope
- Hunger
- Jealousy
- Joy
- Kindness
- Love
- Lust
- Pity
- Pride
- Respect
- Sadness
- Shame
- Surprise
- Trust
Ubiquitous Natural Resources
- Air
- Corn
- Cotton
- Rice
- Salt water
- Soil
- Solar energy
- Sugarcane
- Sunlight
- Trees
- Water
- Wheat
- Wind energy
Ubiquitous Animals
- Bird
- Camel
- Cow
- Deer
- Domestic cat
- Domestic dog
- Donkey
- Fox
- Goat
- Horse
- Humans
- Pig
- Rabbit
- Rodent - rat and mouse
- Sheep
- Snake
- Wolf
Ubiqutious Plants
- Algae
- Cacti
- Ferns
- Kentucky bluegrass
- Moss
- Plankton
- Orchids
- Weeds
Other Things that Are Ubiquitous
- Automobiles
- Ants
- Bacteria
- Bees
- Beetles
- CDs
- Cell phones
- Cockroaches
- Computers
- DVDs
- iPhones
- Internet
- Gluten free diet
- McDonalds
- Microsoft
- Mites
- Movies based on Marvel comics
- Myriapods - centipedes and millipedes
- Roundworms or nematodes
- Starbucks
- Tebowing
- Telephones
- Televisions
- Viruses
- Zumba
Now you have seen lots of different examples of things that are ubiquitous.