Everyone loves to feel appreciated, which is why thank you notes are an important way to express your gratitude. Whether you're sending a thank you for a generous wedding gift or showing your enthusiasm after a job interview, a carefully crafted thank you note is the perfect gesture.
How to Write a Thank You Note
Writing a thank you note doesn't need to be difficult or time consuming. Here's a simple formula that works for any occasion:
Express your gratitude and name the gift or action you received.
Write a sentence or two about how you benefited from the gift or actions.
Conclude by mentioning the next time you hope to speak to or visit with the other person.
Examples of Thank You Notes for Events
After a wedding, graduation, retirement party, anniversary party, or other special events, it's customary to thank your guests for helping you celebrate. Words and phrases appropriate for an event thank you note include:
We are forever grateful that you were able to share our wedding with us. We are so touched by your generous gift.
We are so pleased you could join us for Liam's first birthday. He loves his first train set so much. I'm going to send you a cute picture of him playing with it.
Thank you for celebrating our retirement with us. We can't wait to get out on the golf course with you again.
Happy holidays! Thanks so much for taking the time to attend our family's Christmas party. We know it's a hectic time of year.
You've been there for me in some tough times and I'm so happy you were there to see me graduate. You shouldn't have gotten me a gift, but it was so nice that you did and I'll really treasure it.
I'm still smiling! I hope you know that Mark and I will never forget the great experience we had celebrating Thanksgiving with you.
We're overjoyed you made it to our engagement party. It was wonderful to see you after so long and we really appreciate you coming from so far away to be there with us.
Hospitality Thank You Notes Examples
When you've been invited as a guest to an event or into someone’s home, send a thank you note expressing your appreciation for this hospitality. Some phrases that would be appropriate include:
Thank you again for inviting us into your lovely home. Your hospitality was much appreciated as we settled into the neighborhood.
Sometimes the simplest things mean the most. That wonderful dinner and a comfy bed were very much appreciated after a stressful week.
Thanks so much for the great time the other night. We loved seeing your beautiful new home and sampling your mother's famous lasagna.
It was such a blessing to be invited to your Thanksgiving Day feast. Thank you for the delicious meal and warm welcome.
Thank you for taking me in and feeding me after my surgery. It was such a blessing to not have to worry about cooking and cleaning during my recovery. You saved the day!
All I can say is wow! Brunch was absolutely delicious. I only wish I had your talents in the kitchen!
Thank you so much for coming to my graduation. It made my day that much brighter to share it with you.
Today was the best day ever! Thank you for sharing it with us.
Thank you for having us over. You’re the best host ever and your home is beautiful!
Today was the most important day of my life and I couldn’t have had it without you.
Sample Thank You Notes for a Special Gift
It's always a good idea to send a thank you note for a gift, especially if the gift arrived via mail or the giver wasn't around to see you open it. Some examples of wording include:
The cozy blanket you crocheted made my day. I'll be thinking of you every time I'm curled up on the couch watching Netflix.
I am so grateful for the lovely floral arrangement you sent after my surgery. Daisies are my favorite flower and the vase is the perfect color to match my freshly painted kitchen.
Every time I walk past the breathtaking landscape picture in the hallway, it brings back happy memories of our trip. I will treasure it forever. Thank you!
Thank you ever so much for the sweet present. A box of gourmet chocolates was just what I needed to put a smile on my face.
We love the beautiful gift you got for us. The serving bowls will be put to good use at our Fourth of July BBQ. I'm looking forward to seeing you there.
We love our beautiful new lamp and we cannot thank you enough for your thoughtfulness. It's just what we needed for the den.
Thank you for such a special present. The Secret Garden has been my favorite book since I was a little girl and I'm touched that you were thinking of me. You know me so well!
I didn't expect to find a huge plant on my doorstep when I got home today! Thank you so much! It's the perfect addition to the patio.
Examples of Thank You Notes for Help or Kindness
When someone goes out of their way to brighten your day, show your appreciation with a heartfelt thank you note. Try using:
I am so thankful for the time you took to help with my presentation. You're a wonderful friend and coworker.
Thanks so much for taking the time to help with Dalton's science fair project. We're so grateful to have a dinosaur expert in the family.
We really appreciate all you have done to help us get set up in our new apartment.
It was so nice of you to help me out the other day when I couldn't pick up the twins from daycare. We're lucky to have you in our lives.
We are forever in your debt for helping us through this tough time. I'm humbled and grateful for your support.
I will always remember how you helped me to get this wonderful opportunity. I can only hope that someday I'll be in a position to repay you.
Thank you so much for all you have done to help us clean up after our basement flooded. Neighbors like you are a real treasure!
You've bent over backward for me once again. I couldn't ask for a better friend!
I couldn’t have gotten through this without you. Thank you so much!
Sample Job Search Thank You Notes
A job search often requires several thank you notes. You should send a note after an interview, as well as to thank people who offered you job leads, networking connections or a professional reference. For example:
Our conversation yesterday confirmed my interest in joining your staff. I'm particularly excited by the prospect of developing my own departmental newsletter. Please feel free to contact me if I can provide you with any additional information.
Thank you for speaking with me yesterday about the account management position at XYZ Incorporated. I'm confident my education and past experience will allow me to meet your needs effectively. I'm very interested in the opportunity and look forward to hearing from you soon.
I can't stop thinking about the creative approach to project management that you described in our meeting yesterday. Thank you for taking the time to interview me. I may be reached at 212-345-6789 if you need any further information.
Thank you for introducing me to Daniel Masterson at Company Incorporated. I'm very grateful for the connection and humbled by your support of my job search.
Your introduction to Daniel Masterson at Company Incorporated is much appreciated. Our informational meeting went very well and I'm excited about the employment opportunities they have available.
My interview for the bookkeeping position at Company Incorporated went very well. Thanks so much for agreeing to serve as a reference on my behalf.
I'm pleased to report that I've accepted an internship with Company Incorporated. Thanks again for answering my questions about the field of cloud computing and agreeing to serve as a professional reference.
This is my dream job and it wouldn’t have been possible if you hadn’t sent me the job posting and provided a reference. My gratitude is beyond words.
Quotes to Use in Thank You Notes
While not a requirement, a well-chosen quote can also add a nice touch to your writing and personalize your card even more.
Be Thankful and Start Writing
Now that you have seen these examples of great ways to start off a thank you note, you’re ready to write your own. Remember to personalize the thank you note and to mention specifically what you are thanking the recipient for. For some more quotes and sample lines to include in your next note, take a look at: