The key to writing a great hook begins with brainstorming a compelling opening statement or question that will capture the attention and interest of readers. No matter what the essay topic is, it’s possible to craft a compelling hook. Use these hook sentence examples to get some ideas.
10 Hook Sentence Examples
The most important job of a hook is to entice readers to want to read your essay, so it is often the first sentence in your introduction.
- Creating family memories that last a lifetime is more about spending quality time together than it is about spending money.
- Growing a vegetable garden provides food security, meeting an important need for modern families in these uncertain times.
- Owning a dog can have a positive impact on your health, happiness and safety.
- Mastering the art of finding work in the gig economy makes it possible for people to work to live rather than living to work.
- Spending time in different parts of the world can provide people with unique insights on cultural differences and a deep appreciation for ways of life other than their own.
- Being required to pay a federal income tax without having representation in the federal government is a reality of life for residents of Washington, D.C.
- Wildfires rage each year in California destroying many homes and leaving vast swaths of fire-ravaged acreage in their wake.
- For many foster children, everyday reality includes nearly constant transitions as they’re moved from home to home and family to family in a seemingly endless cycle.
- With daily sugar intake reaching an average of 25 teaspoons per person, the United States leads the world in per capita consumption of added sugar.
- People can’t live without sufficient water, yet one-third of the worldwide population does not have access to clean drinking water.
These hooks make an assertion intended to engage readers so they’ll want to continue reading to find out what you have to say. Whether a reader’s first thought is to agree with the hook or to question the content of the hook, the person will want to learn more. It’s up to you to write an essay that effectively supports your assertions.
10 Hook Question Examples
Sometimes the best hook for an essay is a question rather than a sentence. What better way to entice readers to want to see what you have to say?
- Just how much screen time is too much for elementary school-aged children?
- How important is it for YouTubers to use search engine optimization (SEO) strategies?
- Will we see record-breaking voter turnout in this year’s presidential election?
- Would your family have enough food to eat if commercially processed food became unavailable for an extended period of time?
- Is online learning an effective option for K-12 education?
- Do jobs that require degrees really have better earning potential than skilled trades?
- Did you realize that women are two times more likely to experience clinical depression than men?
- How much sugar do you really consume in a day?
- Are your evening habits keeping you from getting quality sleep?
- Just how difficult would your daily activities be if you had to do them with chronic, neverending joint pain?
The key to writing an effective hook in the form of a question lies with considering what you can ask that will make readers want to learn more. It can be helpful to relate your topic to surprising statistics, current events or other subject matter that your audience members are likely to feel strongly about. Your goal should be to write a question that will draw readers in so they want to continue reading to discover what else you have to say.
Properly Source Your Assertions
While the purpose of a hook is to draw in readers, you should only do so with accurate information. Be sure there is a factual basis for any assertions you make or statistics you cite. Include credible sources backing up such information in the body of your essay.
Engage Readers
The hook you use to start your essay has to be specific to the subject matter and audience. Now that you have reviewed examples of hooks, spend some time learning how to write a great hook. What you learn will help you master strategies to engage readers.
Preparing to Write an Effective Essay
Once you’ve mastered the art of crafting an effective hook, turn your attention to what’s involved in creating a strong introduction paragraph. You may also want to review some essay examples before you begin writing your own.