Show you're not only listening but that you really care with these powerful examples of empathy statements. Empathy differs from sympathy in that it's about taking perspective instead of just feeling sorry for someone else. These statements show you how to communicate that shared perspective in a variety of situations.
Powerful Empathy Statements for Friends
When you're friends with someone long enough, you'll need to support them through hard times. From knowing what to say after a death to sharing their loss during a bad breakup, it's all about listening and responding in a way that shows you understand your friend's perspective. Try these examples:
- It sounds like you did everything you could.
- I can see how difficult this has been.
- The whole thing sounds so discouraging.
- I can totally see why you would be upset.
- This is so hard.
- I can't believe how well you're holding up, considering how much stress you're under.
- If that happened to me, I would be so mad too.
- What a day you've had.
- I hear what you're saying.
- It's totally natural that you would feel this way.
Expressions of Empathy for Romantic Partners
Empathy also plays an essential role in romantic relationships. When you show your partner you share their feelings in good times and bad times, it strengthens your bond. Some are words of encouragement, and some are simply ways to show you share a common perspective. Use this inspirational empathy words list to express your feelings:
- Things are tough right now, but I'm here.
- I understand how hard this is for you.
- What you're saying makes so much sense to me.
- I wish I had been there with you when that happened.
- That must have hurt your feelings.
- I hear what you're saying.
- I would have a hard time with that too.
- That sounds like an impossible situation.
- It makes me so mad just hearing about it.
- You must have felt so….
Examples of Empathy Statements for Students
Whether you're a student talking to a teacher, a teacher talking to a student, or a student talking to a fellow student, showing empathy improves your relationships. It's a good way to diffuse conflict and strengthen your bond with others at school. Start by thinking about the other person's perspective and what that person must be feeling. Then, try one of these empathy statements:
- It must be frustrating when students turn things in late. I'm sorry.
- I can see how hard you tried here.
- I know what it feels like to get a bad grade.
- I'm sorry this is so discouraging right now.
- It sounds like you were doing the best you could, even though it was difficult.
- I've been there. Some school days are just really hard.
- I know it feels like no one understands, but I'm listening right now.
- It's perfectly normal to feel frustrated in a situation like this.
- I know you feel like giving up right now, and I'm glad you aren't.
- It has to be difficult to deal with this.
Ways to Express Empathy to Customers
Handling situations with angry or unhappy customers involves taking perspective and communicating empathy effectively. The following statements can be part of your empathy training for customer service, enhancing the relationship with customers and showing them you truly care about their needs:
- I understand how frustrating it must be to wait this long for your order.
- If I were in your position, I would be upset too.
- I'm so glad you contacted us about that; it's important that we get it fixed.
- I know you've spent a lot of time on this already.
- Your patience here has been so important.
- I know you have a lot of choices, so I want to make sure we meet your needs. Can you tell me more about what you're looking for?
- After all this, anyone would be frustrated.
- So, what I hear you saying is….
- It makes total sense you would need some help with this.
- Our mistake has cost you a lot of time and money. Let me make it right.
Empathy Statements for Coworkers and Employees
Encouraging a coworker or team member who is having a bad day or dealing with a difficult situation is part of being a good leader. These statements will help you make sure you communicate your empathy effectively:
- I know you've put so much time and effort into this, and it has to be frustrating to see the project shut down.
- Uncertainty is really hard.
- That has to be confusing and discouraging.
- If that happened to me, I would feel upset too.
- Times of change are hard, and it's totally normal that you're feeling anxious about this.
- I would be upset if someone talked to me that way too.
- I can hear your concern in your voice.
- You must feel like no one even listened to your idea.
- I know it isn't easy to deal with stuff like this, but you are handling it so well.
It's been a difficult couple of weeks, hasn't it?
Empathy Is a Skill You Can ImproveWhether you're at work, at school, or hanging out with a friend or partner, empathy is a powerful tool for creating great relationships. If you need more inspiration, look at some genuine examples of showing empathy and work more perspective-taking and active listening into your daily interactions. Empathy is one of those skills you can always improve. Your friends and coworkers will certainly appreciate your efforts.