Engineers work internationally to design most of what is around us. Having precise vocabulary is key when working with large quantities of expensive materials or when aiming for exact specifications. When it comes to documentation and standardization, there is a specific set of engineering abbreviations that has made communication in the field of engineering uniform.
BluePrint Engineering Abbreviations
Blueprints are an important aspect of all areas of engineering. Explore engineering abbreviations related to blueprints and construction.
- A/C - Air Conditioning
- AFL - Above Floor Level or Above Finished Level
- AGL - Above Ground Level
- BOF - Bottom of Foundation
- BHK - Bedroom, Hall, Kitchen
- BRW - Brick Retaining Wall
- BT - Bath Tub or Boundary Trap
- CAD - Computer Aided Design
- CCTV - Closed Circuit TeleVision
- CONT - Continuous
- DP - Downpipe
- DWG - Drawing
- ELEC - Electrical
- EWB - Electric Water Boiler
- FL - Floor Level
- FOC - Fibre Optic Cable
- FS - Far Side
- FTG - Footing
- GIS - Geographic Information System
- LAN - Local Area Network
- MISC - Miscellaneous
- NSOP - Not Shown On Plan
- NTS - Not To Scale
- REF - Reference
- REINF - Reinforcement
- REQ'D - Required
- REV - Revision
- RL - Reduced Level or Relative Level
- SAN - Sanitary
- SDU - Sanitary Disposal Unit
- RHS - Rectangular Hollow Section
- SF - Strip Footing
- SHS - Square Hollow Section
- SIM - Similar
- SL - Structural Level
- SSL - Structural Slab Level
- TB - Tie Beam
- WAN - Wide Area Network
- WC - Water Closet (toilet)
- WD - Working Drawing
- WP - Water Proof or Work Point
Common Engineering Abbreviations
Engineering abbreviations cover building all different types of structures from cars to houses. Check out common engineering abbreviations you might encounter.
- AB - As Built
- AC - Alternating Current
- CHS - Circular Hollow Section
- CLG - Control Joint
- COL - Column
- COMMS - Communications
- CONN - Connection
- CT - Controller
- CTRL - Control
- CTRS - Centers
- ECN or ECR - Engineering Change Note, Engineering Change Request
- EQUIP - Equipment
- EW - Each Way
- FOS - Factor of Safety
- HP - High Pressure
- IO - Inspection Opening
- KJ - Key Joint
- L - Steel Angle
- MDF - Main Distribution Frame (Telecommunications)
- MFR - Manufacturer
- MJ - Movement Joint
- MRP - Material Requirements Planning
- NET - Network
- NO - Number
- NOM - Nominal
- NPR - New Product Release
- NC - Numerical Control
- OD - Outside Diameter
- OPT - Optional
- PCD - Pitch Circle Diameter
- PFC - Parallel Flange Channel
- PT - Pressure Tapping
- QC - Quality Control
- QTY - Quantity
- RFQ - Request for Quote
- TFC - Taper Flange Channel
- TO or T.O. or T.OFF - Top Off
- VA - Value Analysis
- UON or UNO - Unless Otherwise Noted or Unless Noted Otherwise
Materials Engineering Abbreviations
Civil engineering covers physical buildings, airports, and roads, while mechanical engineering explores vehicle design. Check out some of the materials abbreviations used.
- AA - Aluminum Association
- AC - Asphalt Concrete
- AG - Agricultural Pipe Drain
- BLK - Block Work
- BSP - British Standard Pipe
- CFW - Continuous Fillet Weld
- FSBW - Full Strength Butt Weld
- FTP - Fibre Termination Panel (fibre optical cable)
- FW - Fillet Weld
- HR - Hot Rolled
- HV - Vickers Hardness
- LGX - Line Group Cross (Connector, fibre optical cable)
- LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas
- MS - Mild Steel
- PL - Plate
- SS or S/S - Stainless Steel
- TC - Tungsten Carbide
- TUN - Tundish
- UA - Unequal Angle (steel)
- UB - Universal Beam (steel)
- UC - Universal Column (steel)
- WB - Welded Beam (steel)
- WC - Welded Column (steel)
- Z - Zulu (Greenwich Mean Time) or Z-shaped steel purlin
Measurement Engineering Abbreviations
Looking for abbreviations for common measurements in engineering. Check out these abbreviations.
- A - Ampere
- AHU - Air Handler Unit
- APPROX - Approximately
- ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- BTM - Bottom
- CL - Center Line
- CLR - Clearance
- CMU - Cement Masonry Unit
- CTR - Center
- DN - Diameter Nominal
- EQ - Equal
- FL - Fluid
- Foot - Foot
- HOR or HORIZ - Horizontal
- kHz - Kilohertz
- KWh - KiloWatt Hour (metre)
- LH - Left Hand
- HP - Horsepower
- M - Metres (English) or Meters
- MAX - Maximum
- MHz - Megahertz
- MIN - Minimum
- MM - Millimetres
- NS - Near Side
- R or RAD - Radius or radial
- RH - Right Hand
- SQ - Square
- TEMP - Temperature
- THK - Thick
- V - Volt
- VER or VERT - Vertical
- W - Watt
- Yd - Yard
- X - By. Example: "N12 x 1200 long" means "N12 by 1200 long"
Further Information About Engineering Abbreviations
Most engineering companies have their own abbreviations that go beyond the established standards in the English-speaking abbreviation field. If you want to find more abbreviations used in engineering on an international scale, look into the German Standardization System (Known as DIN - Deutsches Institut fur Normung) to find out more about how they use abbreviations in their engineering documents. More engineering abbreviations and other jargon and phrases used specifically in the field of engineering in the English-speaking world can be found in any standard engineering manuals.
Engineering can be fun. But it’s important to look at the principles behind engineering. Explore how machines work by looking at mechanical energy examples.