A diagnosis of cancer can make a person feel removed from everyday life. It can be a time of awful, overwhelming loneliness paired with feeling out of control. Sometimes the most moving words the sufferer will hear are the most basic: "I'm here for you. Let me know what you need." Saying that and meaning it may be the most incredibly important act of kindness you'll ever do for your loved one. Discover a number of sayings that can comfort and inspire someone who has cancer.
Comforting Words for Someone With Cancer
Cancer patients are facing a tough disease, but their fight doesn't have to be a lonely one. Let the cancer patient know that you are there for them. Convey that whatever the individual needs, however long it takes, you're going to be there to offer support.
- We’ll get through this together, knowing there are brighter days ahead for both of us.
- Whatever support you need, I am here for you. Whatever I can do, whatever you need, all you need to do is ask.
- I'm here for you, my friend. Whatever you need, know that I'm going to be right here for you.
- Lean on me; that’s what friends are for. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on, a rock to support you or someone to listen to you yell, I am here. Always and a day.
- Give me a chore list. Tell me what your ordinary weekly tasks are and walk me through the basics. Then don’t think about them again. I’ve got them so that you can get well.
- You are my first priority. No request is too big or too small. Anything you need, I will provide.
- Can I come with you to some of your medical appointments? I’d like to drive you if you’ll let me. Would that be helpful?
- I'll help you sort through all your medications and appointments. I’ll micromanage and over-organize everything for you so that keeping up with the schedule will be a breeze.
- Do you want to look up holistic doctors or specialists? I'll roll up my sleeves and help you do the research any time you want. We'll find the best of the best.
- We can start taking yoga and meditation classes, if you'd like. They say it helps clear the mind and calm the soul. What do you think?
- Let's become herbal tea aficionados. All those antioxidants are sure to help cleanse your system and fight the cancer cells.
Positive Messages for Someone With Cancer
Lending support is great, but cancer patients can also benefit from positive messages. Be sure to find ways to encourage your friend or loved one with some upbeat and inspirational things to say to someone with cancer. Your words may be exactly what it takes to motivate someone through cancer to get through another day of treatment, one day at a time.
- Each day brings new healing.
- Cancer can't take away your hope.
- Bravery and courage are two of your greatest assets. I have no doubt that you will beat cancer and come out stronger on the other side.
- Your strength is amazing. You inspire me every day.
- You are one of the strongest people I know. Cancer doesn’t stand a chance against you.
- You and I have been through so much together. Nothing will change that, not even cancer.
- This world is better with you in it, and you’re going to stay in it for a very long time.
- Let's plan a trip. A weekend getaway to anywhere in the world. We'll plan it right in the midst of all this to show cancer you're still the boss of your own life.
- You have the best medical care, a strong will, and friends and family who love you. That’s the best prescription for a full and complete recovery.
- With all of the good you’ve done in your life and all of the times you’ve been there for others, most certainly karma is on your side.
- I’ve known you my whole life. Any time you’ve set out to accomplish something, you’ve done it. Beating cancer is your focus now, and I know you can do it.
- This is the time to put yourself first; to focus all of your energy on healing and looking forward to the day you get to ring the bell in the doctor’s office and leave cancer free.
- After all that you've survived, do you really think some cancer cells are going to get the best of you? No way. Don't you ever lose hope in your ability to overcome.
Inspirational Quotes for Cancer Patients
Sometimes circumstances might call for something a bit more intense than a basic positive message intended to reassure. An inspirational quote from a celebrity or other high profile individual might be just what someone you care about who has cancer needs to hear. These can be good messages for cards, notes or letters, as well as for in-person conversations.
- “You can’t be brave if you’ve only had wonderful things happen to you.” - Mary Tyler Moore
- “Pain is temporary, it may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” - Lance Armstrong
- “Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, let us begin.” – Mother Teresa
- “Cancer is not a death sentence, but rather it is a life sentence; it pushes one to live.” - Marcia Smith
- “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope.” - Helen Keller
- “Cancer is a word, not a sentence.” - John Diamond
See cancer quotes for some other examples of recognizable sayings you may find to be helpful.
Humorous Words for Someone With Cancer
While cancer is nothing to joke about, humor is sometimes exactly what someone who is facing a serious illness needs. Make sure the time is right before incorporating humor into your interactions with a cancer patient so that the message will be well received. When things are so serious all of the time, a chuckle or two is exactly what is needed. After all, sometimes just getting your mind off "the Big C" is the best way to fight it.
- “More men die of jealousy than cancer." - Joseph Patrick Kennedy
- Well, you always wondered what smoking weed was like. Now, you can find out!
- We're going to buy you the most fabulous earrings. Bald is beautiful, girl.
- On the bright side, you won’t have any bad hair days for a while!
- Guess what? You officially have a "get out of jail free" card for all those lunches you try to avoid with your in-laws!
- You’ve always wanted a good reason to get out of hosting Thanksgiving at your house. Now you have one.
- Cancer didn’t know what it was in for when it decided to hassle you!
- Laughter may have some healing properties, but I like the odds of chemo and radiation.
- Remember that year when your number one goal was to survive? Oh yeah, that’s right now!
- They say that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger? I’m betting on stronger.
Listening Matters Too
Sometimes the right thing to say to a person who has cancer is nothing at all. Let the individual scream, shout, punch the wall, shake a fist to the sky, or whatever else will help. Listen to what the person has to say without judgment and make sure the individual knows that you’ll always be there, no matter what. Knowing that someone has one’s back through the roller coaster of a cancer diagnosis and treatment can be a great comfort.
Find the Right Words
If someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, your love and support can really mean a lot to them. While it’s easy to feel helpless in this situation, it’s important to be aware that providing encouraging words for someone with cancer can be just the lift they need to help them get through the long, difficult road ahead. If the suggestions here don’t seem to express what you’d like to say, see appropriate words for a serious illness card for some other ideas.