Whether you're crafting a caption for a social media post, looking for the perfect saying for a card or scrapbook, or searching for something funny to say, one of these Easter puns might be exactly what you need!
Easter Bunny Puns
No list of Easter puns would be complete without a few about bunny rabbits, their habits, and their favorite snacks.
- dance with some bunny
- every bunny loves some bunny
- having a bad hare day
- he's hop stuff
- here's hopping for a hoppy ending
- holiday hopping-ings
- hop-timsitic for a happy Easter
- hoppily ever after
- hoppy easter
- how bunny is too bunny
- I can't ear you
- I carrot about you
- I'm a long-hared hippity
- I'm all ears
- I'm hoppy to see you
- let's go on a trail hop
- no hippities allowed
- smile and be hoppy
- some bunny loves you
- there's a hare in my soup
- this bunny is ear-resistible
- twitch bunny is so cute
Easter Egg Puns
Eggs and baby chicks are as closely aligned to Easter celebrations as bunnies. Consider these examples of puns.
- chocolate is an egg-cellent confection
- don't be so cheep cheep cheep
- don't put all your eggs in one basket
- don't egg-nore your feelings
- eggs-cuse me
- honoring family traditions is an Easter egg-acy
- have an egg-cellent Easter
- have an over-easy day
- I'm dye-ing to hunt some eggs
- I'm feeling a bit scrambled
- it's an Easter eggs-travaganza
- no peeps for you
- no eggs-cuses
- remember to eggs-ercise
- talk is cheep
- the best peeps are candy
- turn off that alarm cluck
- wishing all my peeps a joyous Easter
- you're really cracking me up
Easter Celebration Puns
Easter celebrations are joyful and fun. They usually feature an Easter meal paired with fun Easter games and activities.
- at the cottontail of the Easter parade
- don't be an Easter ham
- enjoy an Easter peck-nic
- finishing my Easter dessert-tation
- have an egg-stra special Easter
- gather the family for an Easter feaster
- moon over my Easter hammy
- she's basketing in the sun
- there's an egg-stra prize for the golden egg
- what an egg-cellent Easter feast
Easter Puns for Greeting Cards
Some of the best puns are brief jokes or quips. Nothing beats a pun in an Easter greeting card!
- How do you hide a bad hare day? An Easter bonnet
- How do you know that a rabbit is listening? It's all ears
- What do you call a rabbit who's expecting better things ahead? A hop-timist
- What music does the Easter bunny like best? Hip hop
- What's the best Easter bonnet? A jelly beanie
- What's the best Easter entertainment? Yolks, of course
- When a rabbit builds a new burrow, what's it called? A hare-raising

Examples of Puns for Kids
Romantic Easter Puns
If you're looking for the perfect pun to share with your perfect partner on Easter, try out a few of the ones listed below.
- quiche me, my love
- you're my favorite peep
- what a hot chick
- you're my best bunny

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