If you need a demonstrative pronoun quiz, look no further. Here is a quiz that covers the common demonstrative pronouns "this," "that," "those," and "these." There is also an additional quiz that covers those four demonstrative pronouns, as well as others like "such," "neither," and "none."
Quiz #1
Start with this quiz for a good introduction to demonstrative pronouns.
Study Sheet
- Demonstrative pronouns are not followed by nouns.
- The most popular demonstrative pronouns are this, that, these and those. Other demonstrative pronouns are such, none and neither.
Section A: Identify the Demonstrative Pronoun
Underline the demonstrative pronouns in the following sentences:
- Paul bought those for two dollars.
- These are the best shoes I have ever worn.
- Can you believe that?
- This is what I meant.
- I can see that this is what you want.
Section B: Singular or Plural
Underline the demonstrative pronouns in the following sentences and put an S for singular and a P for plural.
- _____ I like those.
- _____ That is fantastic.
- _____ This is very hard to do.
- _____ These are fun games.
- _____ I can't believe this.
Section C: Subject or Object
Underline the demonstrative pronouns in the following sentences and put an S for subject and an O for object.
- _____ That is the greatest news.
- _____ I can't see that.
- _____ This is wonderful.
- _____ I ate those.
- _____ These are trying times.

Answers to Quiz #1
- Paul bought those for two dollars.
- These are the best shoes I have ever worn.
- Can you believe that?
- This is what I meant.
- I can see that this is what you want.
- P I like those.
- SThat is fantastic.
- S This is very hard to do.
- P These are fun games.
- S I can't believe this is happening.
- S That is the greatest news.
- O I can't see that.
- S This is wonderful.
- O I ate those.
- S These are trying times.
Quiz #2
This quiz covers the most widely used demonstrative pronouns: that, these, this, and those, as well as some less common ones: such, neither, and none.
Section A: Find the Demonstrative Pronoun
Underline the demonstrative pronouns in the following sentences.
- Those are terrible jokes.
- Such is the human race.
- Neither is sufficient.
- That is the way the cookie crumbles.
- He will allow none.
Section B: Subject and Object Pronouns
Underline the demonstrative pronouns in the following sentences and put an S for subject and an O for object.
- _____ You can't have that because it's mine.
- _____ Such is the nature of man.
- _____ I have forgotten neither.
- _____ This is a strange play.
- _____ There is none.
- _____ These are the best of times.
- _____ That is my best friend.
- _____ Neither is a good choice.
- _____ Give me that!
- ____ None are lonelier than he.
Section C: Creative Writing Exercise
Write two sentences using each word as a subject and an object.
- none (subject)
- none (object)
- that (subject)
- that (object)
- those (subject)
- those (object)
- neither (subject)
- neither (object)
- this (subject)
- this (object)

Demonstrative pronoun quiz two questions
Click to View & DownloadAnswers to Quiz #2
- Those are terrible jokes.
- Such is the human race.
- Neither is sufficient.
- That is the way the cookie crumbles.
- He will allow none.
- O You can't have that because it is mine.
- S Such is the nature of man.
- O I have forgotten neither.
- S This is a strange play.
- S There is none left.
- S These are the best of times.
- S That is my very best friend.
- S Neither is a good choice.
- O Give me that!
- S None are lonelier than he.
Answers will vary.
More Useful Quizzes
Once your students have gained a better mastery of demonstrative pronouns, how to identify them, and how they function within the context of a sentence, perhaps they can move on to some other quizzes to test their command of the English language.
The Demonstrative Adjectives Quiz is a natural companion to this quiz on demonstrative pronouns, given their common purpose. Or keen learners may want to try their hand at the Possessive Noun Quiz, particularly those in the fourth and fifth grade.