Searching for unique dark words can be a challenge. The word dark has multiple meanings and can be described many ways. Selecting the appropriate words to describe darkness improves the creativity and impact of your writing.
Words to Describe Darkness
When writing about a dark color or describing dark conditions in the external environment (meaning there is little or no light), choose synonyms for dark that allow readers to envision the degree of darkness. Select descriptive language that helps readers vividly picture the setting you are showing in your work.
beclouded | black | black as night |
blackish | blackness | bleak |
blurred | brunette | caliginous |
charcoal | cloud cover | cloudy |
colorless | darkening | darkling |
darksome | deep purple | dim |
dimmed | dingy | drab |
dreariness | dreary | dull |
dusky | filmy | foggy |
gloaming | gloomy | gray |
grim | hazy | ill-lighted |
ill-lit | impenetrable | incomprehensible |
inky | lackluster | leaden |
lightless | midnight | misty |
moonless | muddied | murky |
navy blue | nebulous | night |
nightfall | obfuscated | oblique |
obscured | opaque | overcast |
pitch black | pitch dark | poorly lit |
rayless | semi-dark | shaded |
shadowy | smoggy | somber |
sooty | soupy | starless |
stormy | stygian | sunless |
swarthy | tenebrific | tenebrosity |
total darkness | twilight | unable to see through |
unfathomable | unlit | unseeing |
unsighted | witching hour | without sight |

Words to Describe Dark Emotions or Moods
Any person can experience dark emotions or moods. When selecting descriptive terms to explain this kind of darkness, writers should keep character development in mind. A person can be in a dark mood for a short time, or could deal with extended periods of emotional darkness. Depression and similar medical conditions can also lead to feelings of darkness. Choose words consistent with the message you want to convey regarding the character about whom you are writing.
afeared | affrighted | anguish |
baleful | bereaved | bleak |
brooding | cheerless | chilled |
comfortless | creeped | daunting |
dejection | depressed | desolate |
despair | desperate | desperation |
despondent | dire | dismal |
dispirited | distress | doleful |
dolorous | doomy | dour |
downtrodden | dread | eerie |
elegiac | emo | enraged |
fatalistic | fearful | foreboding |
forlorn | foul | frightened |
glum | grief-stricken | grieving |
heavy-hearted | hopeless | horrified |
horror-stricken | horror-struck | joyless |
lugubrious | malaise | melancholic |
melancholy | mirthless | morose |
mournful | mourning | omen |
ominous | panic | panicked |
panicky | panic-stricken | paralyzed with fear |
pessimistic | petrified | premonition |
repelled | sad | saturnine |
scared | sepulchral | solemn |
somber | sorrowful | spooked |
terrorized | terror-stricken | terror-struck |
unfeeling | worthlessness | wretched |

Terms to Describe Dark Traits or Actions
A person who has dark traits is one who may be driven to do bad things or cause harm to others. Choose terms focused on describing personality traits or behaviors that represent the potential for great evil when describing this kind of darkness.
abhorrent | abominable | abomination |
antisocial | appalling | bad egg |
blackguard | brooding | chilling |
cold | deadly | demented |
depraved | despicable | deviance |
deviant | devilish | evil |
evildoer | fearsome | funereal |
ghastly | ghoulish | gory |
grim | grisly | grotesque |
gruesome | hateful | horrendous |
horrific | horrifying | irascible |
knave | loathsome | lurid |
macabre | Machiavellian | maim |
malefactor | malevolent | malignant |
miscreant | monstrous | morbid |
murder | nefarious | nightmarish |
odious | pathological | pitiless |
reprobate | repugnant | repulsive |
revolting | rotten | rotten to the core |
sadism | satanic | savage |
scary | scoundrel | scumbag |
sickening | sinister | spine-chilling |
spooky | terrible | terroristic |
torment | torture | twisted |
unnatural | vicious | vile |
villainous | violence | violent |
wicked | wickedness | wretch |
Choosing the Right Words to Describe Darkness
From words that sound fearful and conjure images of evil to beautiful words with dark meanings, there are many ways to describe darkness. Consider whether you’re looking to describe the dark appearance of an object or the environment, or if your goal is to provide readers with a sense of darkness associated with someone’s emotions, a person’s behavior, or even the supernatural. These factors are all relevant in selecting the most appropriate descriptive language to include in your writing.
Expanding Your Descriptive Writing Skills
The best writers are always looking for ways to improve their work. While writers need to have many skills, being able to accurately describe elements of a story is among the most important. Continually seeking to expand your vocabulary with descriptive terms and sensory words is an important aspect of creative writing. If you’re looking to set a dark tone in a story you are writing, use descriptive language to set the mood and draw readers in with visual imagery. Review a selection of spooky words for more ideas and inspiration to further improve your descriptive writing skills. If you want to take the dark words a step farther, explore some darkness quotes.