You may know that the Japanese language is beautiful, but did you know how unique and cool it can be? Japanese words such as typhoon, karate and tofu have made their way into English popular usage, but there are many more Japanese words that only exist in Japanese. Keep reading for more than 30 cool Japanese words that you should work into your vocabulary as soon as possible.
Cool Japanese Slang Words to Know
When you're visiting a country, you want to know the proper way to get your point across. But knowing the regional slang can be helpful too! Take a look at these cool Japanese slang words that appear on the streets of Tokyo and in social media worldwide.

Japanese Script | English Pronunciation | English Meaning |
ちょかわいい | cho kawaii (cho kah-wah-ee) | super cute (about an attractive guy or girl you like) |
ダサい | dasai | lame, not cool |
ドンマイ | donmai (dohn-my) | I don't mind (no problem) |
半端ない | hanpa nai (hawn-pah nye) | insane, crazy (an unbelievable situation) |
いける | ikeru (ee-kare-oo) | cool, stylish |
キモい | kimoi (kee-moy) | gross, creepy |
空気読めない | kuuki yomenai (koo-ook-ee yo-men-eye) | not reading the room (being awkward) |
まじ | maji (mah-jee) | Seriously? |
なにする | nani suru (nah-nee soo-roo) | What are you gonna do? |
オッス | ossu (oh-soo) | What's up? |
リア充 | riajuu (ree-ah-joo) | someone who prefers the real world over being online (a "normal" person, not a nerd) |
渋い | shibui (shee-boo-ee) | retro cool |
すげー | su-ge
(soo-gey) | amazing, awesome |
それな | sore na (sor-ah naw) | this (I totally agree) |
ウケる | ukeru (oo-kare-oo) | haha (or "that's funny") |
やばい | yabai (yah-bye) | awesome/terrible (depending on context) |
Practice speaking and writing these words until you're an expert in Japanese slang. Soon you'll sound like a local!
Awesome Japanese Idioms and Expressions
The English language has lots of idiomatic sayings to get a point across. But these sayings take on a whole new meaning when condensed into Japanese yojijukugo, or idioms in four kanji (Japanese characters). Some of these sayings have moved into the Japanese languages from Chinese origins.
Take a look at some awesome idioms and expressions that don't literally mean what they say, but still say quite a lot.

Japanese Script | English Pronunciation | English Meaning |
電光石火 | denkou sekka (dane-koo say-kah) | fast as lightning (a good worker) |
一期一会 | ichi-go ichi-e
(it-chee go it-chee-ay) | one life, one chance |
異口同音 | iku dōon
(ee-koo doon) | saying the same sound with different mouths (unanimous) |
因果応保 | inga-ouhou (een-gah ow-how) | bad behavior gets bad results |
八方美人 | hap-pou-bi-jin
(hap-pow-bee-jeen) | eight directions beautiful person (someone who tries to please everyone) |
無我夢中 | ishin denshin (ee-shin den-shin) | spoken from one heart to another (communication with no words) |
弱肉強食 | jaku niku kyoushoku (jah-koo nee-koo kyoo-sho-koo) | weak meat, strong food (survival of the fittest) |
自業自得 | ji-gou-ji-toku (jee-gow-jee-toh-koo) | self-enterprise, self-profit (you made your bed, now lie in it) |
十人十色 | juunintoiro (joo-oon-in-to-ee-row) | ten people, ten colors (to each their own) |
花鳥風月 | kachōfūgetsu
(kah-chow-foo-get-soo) | flower, bird, wind, moon (love the beauties of nature and yourself) |
三日坊主 | mikka bouzu (mee-ka bow-zoo) | a monk for three days (someone who quits easily) |
無我夢中 | muga muchū (moo-gah moo-choo) | in the middle of a dream (totally absorbed in a task) |
老少不定 | rou-show-fu-jou | death keeps no calendar (no one knows how long they'll live) |
竜頭蛇尾 | ryuu-tou-da-bi | head of a dragon, tail of a snake (something scary that turns out to be nothing) |
四苦八苦 | shikuhakku (shee-koo-haw-koo) | four sufferings, eight |
取り戻す | torimodosu (toh-ree-moh-doh-soo) | get up again when life knocks you down |
羊頭狗肉 | yōtōkuniku (yoh-toh-koo-nee-koo) | crying wine and selling vinegar (advertising a better product than you're selling) |
These are only a few of the thousands of yojijukugo in the Japanese language. It goes to show you that Japanese is an excellent way to express yourself in both literary and figurative ways.
The Beauty of Japan
Now that you know these cool Japanese words for nature, actions and conversation, you're ready for more! Check out these 40 powerfully beautiful Japanese words to add even more beauty to your vocabulary. You can also take a look at more words of Japanese origin that you might use in your everyday conversation.