If you're writing a story about the relationship between people who get along with each other, you might find yourself wondering about the correct spelling of a word that is often used to describe this state. If you're wondering whether comradery or camaraderie is correct, you've come to the right place. Discover the difference between comradery vs. camaraderie and find out which you should use.
Comradery vs. Camaraderie: Differences to Consider
When you are writing, it's important to use terminology that no one will question. If people think there could be spelling mistakes in your writing, that could lead them to question the credibility and value of your work. Keep that in mind while exploring comradery vs. camaraderie.
- camaraderie spelling - The spelling camaraderie is the most commonly used and accepted way to spell this word in the English language.
- comradery spelling - This spelling is considered an alternative spelling for camaraderie, though it is listed in some dictionaries as a North American option.
Comradery or Camaraderie? Which Spelling to Use
Comradery has the same meaning as camaraderie, so you could use it in your writing. However, because comradery is not a common spelling, camaraderie is generally the better option to choose.
While using comradery isn't technically incorrect, it may be perceived that way by readers. Remember that clarity is critical for good writing. It's best to avoid terminology that could be confusing to readers or that could cause them to question your language choices.
Camaraderie/Comradery Definition
The word camaraderie (alternate spelling comradery) is defined as a friendly or affable relationship between two people or among a group of people. It is used to describe situations where people like and enjoy being around each other and are able to work or play well together.
It's a general term that doesn't imply strong friendship or love, though people who develop intense relationships often start out by experiencing camaraderie first. Once individual relationships go beyond general goodwill, then a stronger word like friendship would be used to describe the relationship.
Camaraderie in a Sentence
Explore these examples of camaraderie in a sentence. If you choose to go with the comradery spelling, it could be substituted for camaraderie in any of the example sentences.
- I like my coworkers; there is great camaraderie with the group.
- The coach is doing a great job fostering camaraderie among the players.
- I like working on projects when there is a sense of camaraderie among group members.
- Going to networking events is a great way to build camaraderie with other professionals.
- Why do I volunteer? I like to help and I enjoy the camaraderie with the other volunteers.
- It's a pleasure to teach a class in which there is great camaraderie among the students.
- Participating in team-building activities is a great way to build camaraderie with your peers.
- Camaraderie is very important to the success of any effective team.
- It is possible to maintain both camaraderie and competitiveness on a team.
- When there is a lack of camaraderie among team members, working together can be less than pleasant.
Synonyms for Camaraderie/Comradery
If you'd prefer not to have to choose between the spellings camaraderie vs. comradery or if you'd simply like to explore other options, consider using one of the synonym examples below. They express the same meaning, or similar, without having to decide between alternate spelling options.
- affability
- chumminess
- companionability
- companionship
- compatibility
- comradeship
- esprit de corps
- fellowship
- friendliness
- goodwill
Choosing the Best Term
Now that you have all the information you need to choose between camaraderie or comradery or to select an alternate term, it's up to you to choose the word that best suits your purpose. For additional guidance, consult these tips on choosing the right words. Be sure to keep the audience in mind, taking care to craft prose that will be engaging to readers.