Social Mores You May Be Familiar With
Mores are often dictated by a society's values, ethics, and sometimes religious influences. Some mores examples include:
- It is not considered acceptable or mainstream to abuse drugs, particularly those such as heroin and cocaine.
- It is not considered acceptable to drive at 90 mph in a residential area.
- It is expected that one would hold the door for a person behind him or her when entering a building.
- Normal dress for women at work excludes clothes that are highly revealing.
- It is not considered acceptable for a woman to be highly sexually promiscuous.
- It is expected that one will be on time for work the majority of the time.
- It is not acceptable to wear casual clothes in most fine dining establishments.
- It is expected that alcohol consumption in public will be in moderation.
- Talking to oneself in public is not considered a normal behavior.
- Stealing is considered unacceptable under any circumstance.
- Adults are expected to work in order to support themselves.
- Nudity in public is not acceptable in most areas.
- Picking one's nose in public is not an acceptable behavior.
- People are expected to be honest.
- Respect for other people's property is important.
- If a promise is made, it is expected it will be kept.
- Chewing with one's mouth closed is expected.
- Eating in a sloppy way and at fast pace is not an acceptable behavior.
- Being married to more than one person is not acceptable in most areas.
- Incestuous behavior is not considered normal.
- Using the phrase "thank you" is expected when someone has provided a service.
- Quick repayment of debt to another individual is an expected behavior.
- Murder is not acceptable.
- Remaining loyal to one's spouse is an expected behavior.
- Rising for the national anthem is an expected behavior.
- Sending a thank you note to someone who has given a present is expected.
- Not abusing children is a societal expectation.
- Providing adequate housing and food for oneself and one's family is expected.
- Shorts should not be worn in a professional work atmosphere.
- When dressing for a job interview in an office, men should wear and a suit and tie.
- If something is knocked over in a store, the person who did so will clean up after himself.
- Belching at the dinner table is not an acceptable behavior.
- Cursing in polite conversation is not acceptable.
- Rudeness to service staff is not societally acceptable.
- Wearing a bikini to church would not be expected.
- Robbing a bank is against social norms.
- Setting one's own property on fire is not socially acceptable.
- Insurance fraud is not an acceptable behavior.
- Going to work or school barefoot is not socially acceptable.
- Being kind to animals is socially expected.
- Slurping one's food is not acceptable in the U.S.
- Ignoring someone when they are speaking is not acceptable.
- Talking while someone else is talking is considered unacceptable.
Importance of Social Mores
You have probably encountered many other examples of social mores as well. Now you will better know what they are when you see them in the future.