Adverbs are the friend to the verb. They like to spice up a verb, taking things from "announced" to "emphatically announced." Adverbs can also modify adjectives and other adverbs. Below, you'll find an efficiently long list of adverbs that start with E. After that, we'll further discuss the role of the adverb and enjoy a few sample sentences.
50 Adverbs Starting With E
Here's our list of 50 of the most common E-adverbs. Beside each adverb, there's a simple definition and a few synonyms where appropriate:
Adverb | Definition | Synonym |
in an impatient manner | anxiously, impatiently, excitedly | |
putting forth genuine effort | seriously, sincerely, enthusiastically | |
without a doubt or without trying too hard | effortlessly, handily, indubitably | |
toward the east | eastbound | |
something done in a creepy or unnatural way | strangely, bizarrely, mysteriously | |
for all practical purposes | adequately, completely, productively | |
doing something with minimal effort | easily, comfortably, effortlessly | |
without difficulty or struggle | conveniently, freely, handily | |
likewise; also | ||
by means of electronic equipment | digitally, mechanically | |
in a graceful or smooth style | delicately, graciously, smoothly | |
something done in an articulate manner | ardently, fervently, vividly | |
in a different way, place, or time | elsewhere | |
in another place | abroad, away, somewhere | |
to a great degree | notably, highly, exceptionally | |
in a manner that exhibits strong feeling | passionately, excitedly, intensely | |
with emphasis | definitely, absolutely, assuredly | |
continuously, without limit | indefinitely, ceaselessly, perpetually | |
to a great degree | extremely, immeasurably, markedly | |
having done something adequately or sufficiently | adequately, amply, competently | |
in a manner that displays great excitement | eagerly, ardently, heartily | |
wholly; completely | exclusively, reservedly, solely | |
in a manner that affects the natural world around you | ecologically, sustainably | |
in a uniform manner | evenly, equitably, justly | |
in a manner that promotes comfort | comfortably, fittingly, appropriately | |
in an incorrect manner | mistakenly, falsely, erringly | |
to a great extent | exceptionally, particularly, notably | |
emphasizing the basic nature of a person, thing, or situation | basically, fundamentally, substantially | |
endlessly; forever | endlessly, continually, perpetually | |
in a manner that conforms to standards of conduct | properly, decently, righteously | |
to a more extreme degree | still, yet | |
so as to make flat | smoothly, regularly, uniformly | |
at an undetermined time in the future | finally, ultimately | |
always, at all times, in any way or time | eternally, perpetually | |
in all places | boundlessly, extensively, ubiquitously | |
apparently; clearly | apparently, obviously, ostensibly | |
done accurately and correctly | absolutely, accurately, specifically | |
to an advanced or unusual degree | enormously, exceptionally, extremely | |
in a manner that demonstrates superior quality | magnificently, splendidly, famously | |
to a remarkable degree | unusually, abnormally, particularly | |
to a degree that goes beyond what's normal | extravagantly, extremely, unreasonably | |
in a manner that has enthusiasm | agitatedly, breathlessly, furiously | |
to the point where you're willing to leave someone or something out | particularly, only, solely | |
in a skillful manner | neatly, accurately, efficiently | |
something made abundantly clear | particularly, especially, principally | |
in a very clear way | clearly, definitely, explicitly | |
in a beautiful and delicate manner | perfectly, admirably, impeccably | |
to a large and detailed degree | widely, broadly, largely | |
in a remarkable way | remarkably, exceptionally, extremely | |
to a great degree | conspicuously, especially, intensely |
What Exactly Is an Adverb?
Did you catch the adverb in the heading? We could've written, "What Is an Adverb?" and left "exactly" out of it. But, from time to time, it's nice to add a little modification to our linking verbs.
It's also important to note that adverbs don't just stand alongside verbs. They can also modify adjectives and other adverbs. A great way to spot adverbs is to look for words that end in -ly. Examples from the above list include "elegantly" and "eloquently."
We can get a little more specific than simply saying adverbs add intensity or emphasis to other words. Let's take a closer look at what, exactly, they aim to do:
- Adverbs Tell How It Happened: Adverbs like "expertly" describe how something was done.
- Adverbs Tell Where It Happened: Adverbs like "everywhere" describe the location of where something happened.
- Adverbs Tell When It Happened: Adverbs like "early" describe when something took place.
- Adverbs Tell the Extent of an Action: Adverbs like "enough" describe the extent to which something did or did not happen.
For more on how adverbs work to intensify the meaning behind other words, check out these Examples of Adverbs.
10 Example Sentences
Ready to watch 10 of the above adverbs easily pop into sentence form? Here goes:
- He eagerly awaited her arrival.
- The ghost smiled eerily at the little girl.
- She effectively conveyed her message at the conference.
- Emilia effortlessly portrayed the role.
- She was not emotionally attached to the locket.
- Daniel was enormously proud of his son.
- The puppy hopped enthusiastically across the lawn.
- The exchange student performed exceptionally well in the spelling bee.
- He is extraordinarily talented at basket weaving.
- The train moved extremely fast through the Swiss Alps.
Emphatic Adverbs
Not too bad for the vowel E, right? With a smattering of adverbs in your writing, you can bulk up your verbs nicely. Just be careful to do just that: smatter them. If you add too many -ly words to your prose, it may end up sounding a bit bulky. Whenever you can go with a strong verb in lieu of an adverb plus a verb, opt for the strong verb. Otherwise, "eagerly" and "endlessly" adding a few adverbs to your writing won't hurt a thing.