Looking for adjectives that start with W? You might not consider it to be a very common letter. In truth, there are too many W adjectives to list them all, but we can share some of our favorites. Take a look at this winding and wide variety of adjective examples. If you are wise, perhaps you can think of more W adjectives to add to the list!
Wonderful Adjectives That Begin With W
The letter W is a wonderful letter for adjectives. It can be warmhearted, wholesome and wise! Take a look at these positive adjectives that begin with W.
- warm - having moderate heat
- warmhearted - kind and sympathetic
- wealthy - having lots of money or possessions
- welcoming - eager to invite others in
- well - healthy, not sick
- well-balanced - successful and stable in several areas of life
- well-known - popular for good reason
- whimsical - playful, creative
- wholehearted - with sincerity
- wholesome - innocent, healthy
- willful - stubborn; not easily controlled
- winning - pleasing, charming
- winsome - attractive in appearance
- wise - knowledgeable and experienced
- witty - clever; funny
- wonderful - delightful, inspiring wonder
- wondrous - marvelous
- world-class - high quality, the best
- worldly - sophisticated
- worthwhile - important, valuable
Woeful Adjectives That Start With W
Sometimes you need a woeful or wicked adjective. Check out these negative adjectives that start with W if you need to describe someone who is worrisome or wretched.
- wanton - blatant, without care for others
- warlike - violent and aggressive
- wasteful - not careful with resources
- wayward - all over the place, unpredictable
- weak - lacking in strength
- wearisome - making someone feel tired
- weary - tired from overexertion
- weepy - cries easily, overemotional
- wheezy - not breathing well
- whiny - constantly complaining
- wicked - evil or terrible
- wimpy - weak, not brave
- withdrawn - quiet and unsociable
- woebegone - woeful; sad
- worthless - having no value
- worrisome - causing worry or concern
- wonky - not working correctly; off-center
- wounded - hurt emotionally or physically
- wretched - deeply distressed or unhappy
- wrong - incorrect
Descriptive Adjectives That Start With W
There are many W adjectives that can describe the five senses. Use these descriptive adjectives that start with W when you need to discuss how something looks or feels.
- warped - not straight, distorted
- waxy - having the texture or appearance of wax; fake-looking
- weathered - worn from exposure to sun, rain or wind
- wee - very small
- wet - filled with moisture
- white - having the color of milk or snow
- wide - extending over a large area
- willowy - tall and slender
- windy - characterized by wind or breezes
- windswept - disheveled or blown by the wind
- winding - twisting
- wintry - having the look or feel of winter
- wiry - lean and tough (person); having the appearance of wire (object)
- wispy - fine or feathery
- withering - shriveling; shrinking
- wobbly - unstable
- worn - damaged due to overuse or exposure
- wrinkly - having lots of wrinkles or folds
Wide-Ranging Adjectives That Start With W
There are lots of W adjectives that are wild and wacky! The word weird may be one of the most commonly used, all-purpose adjectives in the English language to describe a wide variety of oddities, but there are many less common W adjectives out there. Take a look at these additional adjectives that start with W.
- wacky - crazy, unusual
- wary - overly cautious
- wistful - sad and sentimental
- whopping - very big
- wild - in a natural state; uncontrolled
- widespread - occurring in several areas
- wide-ranging - covering many spaces or regions
- wily - sneaky, clever
- workaday - ordinary, not distinctive
- woozy - dizzy or sick
- wry - dryly funny, sarcastic
Wacky Example Sentences With W Adjectives
Want to see these wide-ranging, whimsical adjectives at work? Read these example sentences that use W adjectives in several different ways.
- It was nice to sit by the warm fireplace after being in the cold weather.
- The weak man was unable to lift even the light weights.
- The wealthy couple was able to buy their own plane.
- Wet dogs do not smell very good.
- My white bedroom is stark and lacking in color or decoration.
- Can you measure how wide the new dresser is?
- Wild animals are not appropriate to keep as pets.
- The willful girl did not take direction or orders very well.
- It was too windy to have a picnic since everything kept blowing away.
- The withering plants desperately needed to be watered.
- Harrison is so witty that he makes his classmates laugh at his jokes.
- She had a woebegone expression after being told she could not go to the dance.
- The baby took her first wobbly steps.
- Her first birthday was a wondrous occasion for the family.
- The worldly girl had traveled all over Europe and the United States.
- Dr. Baker gave us some worrisome news about Dad's test results.
Sound Off for W
Given W's confusing history, it’s no surprise it continues to cause kerfuffles today. It creates a lot of different sounds, depending on the context.
- Sometimes, it makes a "wuh" sound, like in “wonder,” “walk” or “why.”
- Sometimes, it makes a softer, "voiceless" sound, as in the word “whisper” or “white.”
- Other times, like in the word "two" or "whole," it makes no sound at all.
- It can also be silent, such as in "write" or "wrong."
The Wandering World of Letter W
The letter W has a long history as a confused letter. When the Greeks borrowed the letter from the ancient Egyptians — who used the letter as a hieroglyph that represented a snake — they gave W to two letters in their alphabet.
The Greeks used W as the basis for both an F-type letter, and a U-type letter. When the Romans then borrowed the letter from the Greeks, they made things even more confusing by using W interchangeably with U and V.
Sometime after the middle ages, U and V evolved into their own letters in the English language. Today, W firmly represents just the "w" sound in English but, in many foreign languages, W is still pronounced as "v" and vice versa. German is a good example of this.
An Alphabet of Adjectives
Which W adjective will you choose for your next written work? As you can see, there are plenty to choose from! If you thought W adjectives weren’t all that common, wait until we get to our next adjective list: adjectives that start with X! You can also stick with W with these positive words that begin with W.