There are so many adjectives that start with "u," it’s overwhelming. But, they can be broken down to make them more manageable. While the monster category is “adjectives that start with un-," the much smaller categories like "common 'u' adjectives" and "up- adjectives" make up this list too. Let’s take a look, shall we?
Common Adjectives That Start With U
Let’s start with the easy category. There are only a handful of adjectives that start with "u." You’ll notice that some of them do have "un" as the first two letters, but it’s not the same as the prefix un-. Three of them have the prefix under-, meaning “below or too low.” Here are our top 20 "u" adjectives:
- uber - super; high level
- ubiquitous - seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent
- ugly - not pleasing to look at; aesthetically unattractive
- ulcerated - affected by an ulcer
- ulterior - later, subsequent; beyond what is obvious or implied; undisclosed
- ultimate - beyond which it is impossible to go; greatest or highest possible
- ultra - going beyond the usual limit; excessive; extreme
- ultrasonic - sound waves with a frequency higher than the limit of human hearing
- umbrageous - having shade; easily offended, angered by something wrong or unjust
- umpteenth - relating to something that has happened on several other occasions
- unctuous - suave or oily in speech or manner
- underrated - rated, assessed or estimated too low
- understanding - having or characterized by comprehension or sympathy
- underweight - below the normal or allowable weight
- unique - one and only; having no like or equal; unparalleled
- united - combined; joined; made one; in agreement or harmony
- urban - characteristic of the city as distinguished from the country
- urgent - the need for immediate action
- useable - capable of being utilized
- utmost - most extreme; greatest
Adjectives That Start With Up-
While those might be some of the top runners, there is also a whole list of adjectives that start with the prefix up-, which means in or "going toward." Dive into this fun list of up- adjectives.
- upbeat - optimistic
- upcoming - about to happen
- upended - turned upside-down or on its side
- upfront - honest, frank
- uphill - ascending, upward
- upland - hilly area
- uplifted - raised to a higher moral, social, or cultural level or condition; elevate
- upper - on higher ground
- uppity - haughty, arrogant, snobbish, etc.
- upright - sitting in a straight manner; honorable or honest
- upscale - classy or expensive
- upstairs - upper floor
- upstanding - honest, honorable
- upstage - divert attention to yourself
- upstart - someone who rises to a high position suddenly
- upstream - a direction against the current flow of river or stream
- uptight - tense, nervous
- upturned - directed upward
- upward - ascending
- upwind - toward or against the direction of the wind
Adjectives That Start With Un-
Now let’s have a look at the bulk of the adjectives in English that start with "u," a beast of a category, the un- adjectives. The prefix un- means not, and it can be added to the beginning of just about any other adjective to create the opposite meaning or antonym. For example, the opposite of expected is unexpected, the opposite of zipped is unzipped, and so on. Listed below are 50 adjectives that start with un-.
- unanswered - irrefutable
- uneasy - uncomfortable
- ungracious - not courteous
- unmotivated - no enthusiasm for the task
- unsafe - dangerous
- unappetizing - unappealing food
- unenviable - undesirable, unwanted
- ungrateful - unappreciative
- unmoving - motionless
- unsatisfactory - inadequate
- unbearable - very painful, unpleasant
- unerring - not going astray
- unhappy - sad, not feeling joy
- unnecessary - not needed
- untalented - lacking special qualities or talents
- unbeatable - impossible to defeat
- unexpected - unforeseen
- unhurried - not happening quickly
- unnerving - losing courage in a situation
- untidy - not clean
- unbelievable - unimaginable; far-fetched
- unflappable - calm, collected; unexcitable
- unimaginable - unthinkable, inconceivable
- unoccupied - having no one in it
- unused - not being utilized
- uncanny - unnatural, eerie
- unforgiving - not able to excuse
- unimportant - not having significance
- unpopular - not liked
- unusual - not commonly done
- unclean - dirty
- unfortunate - not lucky
- uninviting - not attractive
- unpredictable - uncertain, unforeseeable
- unvarying - constant
- uncouth - uncultured appearance or manner
- unfriendly - not kind; disagreeable
- unjust - not morally right or fair
- unreal - so strange it's not believable
- unwary - not cautious
- undiplomatic - appearing tactless or insensitive
- ungainly - clumsy
- unkind - not nice
- unreasonable - not logical; not guided by good judgment
- unwilling - not ready to do something
- undying - lasting, enduring
- ungodly - unholy, immoral
- unlikely - not going to happen
- unregenerate - not reforming
- unyielding - inflexible
Example Sentences for Adjectives That Start With U
Explore 10 sentences using adjectives that start with "u" to see an idea of the fun ways you can add variety to your writing.
- I liked her unique voice.
- We were united together during the rally.
- He is a bit uppity if you ask me.
- I wanted to go to the upper part of the museum, but it was closed.
- I know it's an unpopular view, but that's okay with me.
- He had an upright attitude.
- They were just unkind most of the time.
- It's really unlikely that school will be canceled.
- Her unyielding attitude got on my nerves.
- The girl was upbeat and easygoing.
Having Fun With Adjectives
And just like that, you learned a slew of "u" adjectives. Ready for things to get really interesting? Let’s take a look at a list of adjectives that start with "v."