If you're looking for a really radiant way to use words, then discovering rapturous adjectives that start with "R" is a great place to begin. Take a peek at "R" adjectives and expand your vocab.
Positive Adjectives That Start With "R"
Using positive descriptors makes for refreshing wordplay. Check out world of adjectives that start with "R" with positive meanings.
Adjective | Definition | Synonyms |
radiant | emanating light or joy | bright, illuminated, shining |
rapt | engrossed | captivated, charmed, riveted |
rare | not available in large numbers | infrequent, limited, scarce |
rational | based on reason | cogent, logical, sensible |
ravishing | very beautiful | exquisite, gorgeous, stunning |
real | authentic | genuine, sincere, true |
reasonable | sensible | fair, just, rational |
reassuring | intending to remove one's fears | comforting, encouraging, soothing |
receptive | open to new information | amenable, flexible, open-minded |
redeemable | able to be redeemed | curable, fixable |
refined | elegant, cultured | classy, elegant, genteel |
refreshing | nicely different and interesting | enlivineng, fortifying, reviving |
regal | having royal bearing | grand, impressive, majestic |
relaxed | at ease, free from tension | calm, carefree, serene |
reliable | good quality; able to be trusted | authentic, dependable, valid |
remarkable | worth noticing | amazing, exceptional, marvelous |
resilient | able to recover quickly | adaptable, flexible, hardy |
respectful | showing deference | deferential, humble, reverential |
rich | abundance; having a lot of something | affluent, opulent, wealthy |
robust | vigorous, strong | hardy, rugged, sturdy |
romantic | idealized perception, conveying a sense of love | charming, delightful, idyllic |
Negative Adjectives That Start With "R"
Need repulsive adjectives with negative meanings? Build your vocabulary with these ruthless negative adjectives that start with "R."
Adjective | Definition | Synonyms |
rambunctious | being wild and disorderly | boisterous, noisy, rowdy |
rancid | tasting or smelling unpleasant | putrid, rank, sour |
ratty | shabby or unkempt | unkempt, worn |
reckless | lacking caution | careless, hasty, rash |
repellant | causing disgust | disgusting, repulsive |
repugnant | unpleasant, distasteful | offensive, repulsive, vile |
repulsive | intense distaste; disgusting | offensive, repugnant, vile |
resentful | having resentment | disgruntled, indignant |
ridiculous | absurd | droll, farcical |
risky | dangerous; uncertain | hazardous, perilous, precarious |
rotten | spoiled, something that has gone bad | bad, decaying, spoilt |
rude | impolite; inappropriate | impolite, insolent |
rumpled | disheveled in appearance | creased, crumpled, wrinkled |
ruthless | having no pity or mercy for others | cruel, heartless, merciless |
Descriptive Adjectives That Start With "R"
Whether it's rugged or raunchy, these descpritve "R" adjectives can expand your vocabulary.
Adjective | Description | Synonyms |
rabid | fanatical | fervent, passionate, overzealous |
racuous | loud and rowdy | grating, harsh, strident |
radioactive | emitting radiation | irradiated |
raging | with great force | rough, turbulent |
rakish | dashing, yet slightly disreputable | dashing, jaunty, stylish |
rambling | long-winded | meandering, wandering |
ramshackle | in a state of disrepair | crumbling, derelict, run down |
raspy | hoarse or harsh sounding | gravely, gruff, hoarse |
raunchy | vulgar | racy, suggestive |
ravenous | extremely hungry | famished, starving |
recessed | set back from the surrounding surface | concave |
refrigerated | chilled | cooled, chilled |
resonant | clear and ringing | clear, rich, vibrant |
revolting | causing disgust | disgusting, gross, putrid |
rickety | likely to collapse | crumbling, derelict, unsteady |
rigid | inflexible, unmoving | firm, hard, stiff |
rigorous | comprehensive, thorough | careful, diligent, meticulous |
ripe | ready to harvest or eat | fully developed, mature |
ritzy | stylish | luxurious, plush, sumptuous |
robotic | robot-like | mechanical |
roomy | large, sizeable; loose | big, generous, spacious |
rosy | pinkish in tint | fresh, glowing, healthy-looking |
rotund | round, spherical | full-bodied, round |
round | circular, spherical | circular, orb-shaped |
rowdy | loud, boisterous | disorderly, unruly |
rustic | rural, old-timey | homespun, plain, simple |
rubbery | having the texture of rubber | malleable, bouncy |
ruddy | reddish in color | flushed, reddish |
rugged | tough; rough or uneven | bumpy, uneven |
rusty | out of practice; oxidized iron or steel | corroded, tarnished |
Neutral Adjectives That Start With "R"
We are utterly relentless in our pursuit of “R” adjectives to expand your vocabulary. Check out these neutral “R” adjectives.
Adjective | Definition | Synonyms |
radical | revolutionary; far-reaching | fanatical, militant, progressive |
rampant | spreading uncontrollably | rife, unrestrained, widespread |
random | unspecified | incidental |
rapid | quick | fast, speedy, swift |
raw | uncooked; painful | underdone, inflamed |
realistic | true to life | accurate, genuine, lifelike |
rebellious | resisting authority | defiant, unruly, wayward |
recalcitrant | refusing to obey authority | rebellious, unruly |
reclusive | avoiding other people | isolated, solitary |
recondite | a subject that is little-known | arcane, obscure |
redundant | superfluous | expendable, needless |
reflective | deliberative | contemplative, meditative, thoughtful |
refried | cooked again, as in beans | recooked |
refundable | purchaser can return and get their money back | returnable, repayable |
regional | related to a region | local, territorial |
religious | believing in a religion | spiritual |
relentless | incessant | constant, nonstop, persistent |
relevant | something that matters in a certain context | apropos, germane, pertinent |
reluctant | hesitant | disinclined, grudging, resistant |
reprehensible | abhorrent, deserving of punishment | despicable, deplorable |
reserved | hesitant to reveal emotions or thoughts | private, reticent |
restless | unable to relax | edgy, tense, uneasy |
retired | stopped working | emeritus, pensioned |
revolutionary | creating significant change | rebellious, subversive |
rhetorical | relating to rhetoric; a question asked to produce an effect rather than to garner information | vocal |
rough | harsh or violent; uneven or irregular | bumpy, rocky, rugged |
routine | ordinary, regular; repetitive | customary, normal, standard |
rudimentary | basic, low-level | fundamental, initial, primary |
Example Sentences With R-Adjectives
Review the example sentences below to get a sense of how adjectives that start with "r" are used in writing and conversation.
- If you step on a rusty nail, you'll need to get a tetanus shot.
- Muffuletta sandwiches are made on round bread.
- Lisa is a loyal and reliable friend.
- Her raspy voice indicated that she had a sore throat.
- Guido's Bistro is a romantic restaurant perfect for date night.
- Nothing tastes better than a perfectly ripe watermelon.
- I was a typical rebellious teenager when I was your age.
- I'm too old to keep up with a rambunctious toddler.
- I love this roomy boyfriend-cut shirt.
- The new tenants have thrown a few rowdy parties since they moved in.
More "R" Words
With all our rousing "R" adjectives, you might be feeling rousingly ripe to discover more "R" words. Check out all the "R" word lists we have available.