Fourth grade is an opportune time to build a student’s vocabulary. But increasing vocabulary doesn’t have to just be a language arts lesson. Keep reading for possible words to add to a fourth grade math, science, social studies, and language arts vocabulary list.
Fourth Grade Vocabulary Words With 3-5 Letters
As fourth graders learn more about social studies concepts such as urban and rural areas, they might benefit from these specific vocabulary words. A list of short words also includes math terms such as array, language arts terms such as hero, and science terms such as atom.
- array (n.) - arrangement of numbers that show multiplication problems as repeated addition problems, and division problems as fair shares of a whole
- atom (n.) - the smallest component of an element
- digit (n.) - the expression of numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9
- force (n.) - the agent that causes an item to do work (i.e. move)
- hero (n.) - a person who acts in a courageous or brave way
- mass (n.) - the amount of matter in an object
- ray (n.) - a straight line that extends from a point
- rural (adj.) - relating to living in the country or farmland
- urban (adj.) - relating to living in a large, busy city
- vast (adj.) - immense, stretching
- weary (adj.) - very tired
Fourth Grade Vocabulary Words With 6-7 Letters
Elementary students are ready to analyze and recognize what they read. But do they know the definitions of these academic terms? Include words with 6-7 letters for both advanced and beginning readers.
- analyze (v.) - to evaluate a situation by splitting it into parts
- ascend (v.) - to go upward
- circuit (n.) - a closed path for electricity to flow
- climate (n.) - weather patterns in a particular area
- decimal (n.) - fraction of a number expressed in base 10
- descend (v.) - to go downward
- divisor (n.) - number that is used to divide another number (dividend)
- eclipse (n.) - an event in which light is blocked by another object
- energy (n.) - the ability to do work
- equator (n.) - the imaginary line between the North and South Poles of the Earth
- erosion (n.) - gradual wearing away of land by water
- errand (n.) - a quick trip to complete a task
- example (n.) - something used as a model for others to follow
- factor (n.) - mathematical expression that is multiplied by another factor
- formula (n.) - standard way to solve a mathematical problem
- fossil (n.) - preserved remains of an ancient or prehistoric organism
- glacier (n.) - a mass of snow and ice
- motion (n.) - movement
- recognize (v.) - to identify someone or something from a previous time
- vertex (n.) - the corner of a shape
Fourth Grade Vocabulary Words With 8-9 Letters
Math students are busy making sure their dividends and quotients are accurate. Defining these terms, however, may be a trickier task. Try out these interdisciplinary vocabulary words that have 8-9 letters in your next list.
- accurate (adj.) - correct; without errors
- classify (v.) - to sort items into appropriate categories
- coastline (n.) - place where the land meets an ocean boundary
- congruent (adj.) - shapes or figures that have an attribute in common
- diversity (n.) - a population marked by differences
- dividend (n.) - number divided by another number (divisor)
- numerator (n.) - top part of a fraction
- peculiar (adj.) - not like others
- quotient (n.) - the result of dividing one number by another number
- remainder (n.) - number left over in a division problem
- restless (adj.) - constantly moving
- simplify (v.) - to reduce a fraction to its simplest form
- tradition (n.) - a custom passed down from year to year
- variable (n.) - value that could change in a mathematical problem
Fourth Grade Vocabulary Words With 10 or More Letters
Advanced readers may be ready to move onto longer words. Test their vocabulary with science terms such as condensation and evaporation or math terms such as denominator and expression.
- accelerate (v.) - to move faster
- appropriate (adj.) - correct for the setting or purpose
- communicate (v.) - to make something known
- condensation (n.) - conversion of gas into liquid
- denominator (n.) - bottom part of a fraction
- environment (n.) - connection of ecosystems in a given area
- equivalent (adj.) - basically equal to something else
- evaporation (n.) - conversion of liquid into vapor
- expression (n.) - mathematical problem without an equal sign
- hemisphere (n.) - half a sphere; half of the Earth
- microscope (n.) - a tool that magnifies organisms that are not visible to the naked eye
Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary
Building a cross-curricular vocabulary is important for any age. If you’d like more tips on how to teach new words to an elementary class, check out a helpful education article. You can also vary your assessment style with these strategies on how to assess vocabulary.