Some 21st birthday sayings are funny, like "You're halfway to 42!" and others are more thoughtful, like "Live as long as you may. The first 20 years are the longest part of your life," by Robert Southey. Whether silly or serious, a good 21st birthday wish is always heartfelt. Let's look at some sayings that can be used in cards, on gifts or as part of a toast for this momentous celebration.
21st Birthday Wishes
If you're looking for some warm wishes or an amusing message of congratulations to give to a new 21-year-old, try one of these.
- Wow, the last 21 years went by so fast. Here's hoping the next 21 are just as incredible and that you enjoy every moment. Happy 21st birthday!
- Turning 21 is a big deal, but this special day is just the beginning of great things to come. I hope you have an amazing birthday.
- Happy 21st birthday! My wish for you is that your future is filled with good friends, precious memories, and happiness in all you do.
- You're 21, welcome to adulthood! Remember, there will be failure as well as success, and there will be heartache as well as love. But I know you'll take it all in your stride!
- Congratulations! It's your 21st birthday. Now you can buy me a drink.
- Remember, one of the advantages of being young is that you don't let common sense get in the way of doing things everyone else knows are impossible. Happy 21st!
- It’s your birthday, but you’re buying the drinks — because you can now! Happy birthday!
- Not to be outdone by anyone, celebrate and play, you’re 21 today!
- It’s my pleasure to toast you today; have a fabulous and happy birthday. Let us allow our glasses to clink as you enjoy your first legal drink!
- Greet 21 with a smile and your fabulous style! You’re the star of the show with room to grow! Have a fabulous birthday celebration!
- No matter what happens, you’ll never be underage again!
- Happy birthday to you from little old me. Now can I please have your old fake ID?
Short 21st Birthday Sayings
Whether you’re looking for the perfect birthday post for social media, to write in a card or include on a cake, one of these brief sayings might be just the ticket!
- Celebrate your 21st birthday in style!
- Have some fun now, you’re just 21!
- Welcome to the roaring 20s!
- Gen-z is growing up!
- I-gen is on the way to old-gen!
- Finally legal — after all these beers!
- It’s time for a 21st birthday blitz!
- 21 in the house!
- Fun, fun, fun — Bobby now is 21!
- Look out world, here she comes! My baby sister is 21!
- 21 and fabulous!
- Sweet 21 will be filled with fun!
- 21 looks great on you!
- 21 and fabulous!
- You’ll be 30 someday!
Birthday Sayings That Rhyme … Just in Time!
There’s nothing quite like a sweet poem or a cheesy rhyme to wish a friend on her birthday a really great time!
- What’s this? It’s time for a true celebration complete with a round of legal birthday libations!
- Legal he is, finally, gee whiz! Happy birthday my friend, I’ve brought you some champagne, with bubbles and fizz. Let’s party and celebrate, let the fun never end!
- Happy birthday to the one who’s been my friend all the while. You’re sure to set the world on fire with your fabulous smile. In a good way that is, you’re a superstar and a whiz! How wonderful I hope 21 really is.
- Every day you make me proud; you’ve never been one to shrink into the crowd. What a leader you’ve become at such a young age, I can’t wait to see what happens next, there or here, as you turn the page into an incredible and wonderful 21st year.
- A birthday cake for you I did not make, but my wish for you is absolutely not fake. I wish you a 21st year filled with laughter and love and tons of good cheer! Happy birthday!
- You’re 21 and fabulous, no one can dispute. But how did it happen, were we not astute? Friends forever, but kids — not again, never. That’s okay, we’ll always be as happy as we are on your big birthday, today and always — forever and a day.
- What will 21 bring? No one knows what the future holds, but there’s something I know; I know this thing. I’ll be right by your side, whatever tomorrow unfolds.
- Look around another year; this time its #21 that’s here. What a milestone, a new path, a fork in the road; as you move toward tomorrow you won’t walk alone.
Inspirational Birthday Quotes
A person’s 21st birthday is a great time to share an inspirational message that lets them know how much you love them or how proud you are.
- I have always looked up to you and am so proud of the person you have become. It’s a blessing to have you in my life.
- With all you’ve been through, you persevered and moved forward. Here you are, passing this milestone birthday, stronger than ever. You inspire me.
- All you’ve accomplished in your 21 brief years on this earth. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do throughout your 20s and beyond.
- How has one so young accomplished so much? What a role model you are for the younger members of our family. I’m so proud of the grown-up you have become.
- On your 21st birthday, you deserve all of the happiness and joy that life can bring.
- What does life have in store for you? An adulthood filled with joy, happiness and success is my birthday wish for you.
- You’ve so many choices left to make as you turn the corner past 21. Whatever path you take, may it provide all of the happiness and success that you deserve.
- What an impressive person you have begun. I cannot wait to see the trail you blaze in life. Happy 21!
- You are a credit to your generation; the perfect example of what a young adult should be. You deserve all the best in life. Happy birthday.
- Go forth and do great things; I’m so excited to be a part of the life you build for yourself.
21st Birthday Wishes for a Son or Daughter
As a parent, it can be hard to find the right words to wish your child a 21st birthday.
- Daughter, you have always made me so proud. You’ve never been one to blend into the crowd. I wish you an amazing birthday and truly pray that things will always go your way.
- You’ll always be my superstar. Whatever you do in life, I’m sure you’ll go far. The year of 21 is finally here, but you’ll always be, in my heart, my dear. Happy birthday daughter!
- Son, I am so proud of the man you have become. I wish you the happiest of birthdays as you enter this next phase of your life.
- You’ll always be my baby son, no matter how mature you are, my special one I know you’ll go far. Happy 2st birthday to you.
- You might be 21 now, but you’ll always be my baby. I love you now and forever.
- From birth until today and all of the tomorrows, I’ll love you to the moon and back with all that I am. Welcome to 21, my child.
- I knew you were special before you were born. It has been an honor to see you grow up and become the incredible person that you are today, as we join together to celebrate your 21st birthday.
- Grown child of mine, I wish you all the happiness in the world for a fabulous 21st birthday and the spectacular life you deserve.
21st Birthday Quotes and Sayings
This list of 21st birthday sayings starts off with some quotes that are on the serious side. After all, turning 21 means entering adulthood, so it can be a philosophical time, a time to consider what the future holds.
- “At the age of twenty, we don't care what the world thinks of us; at thirty, we worry about what it is thinking of us; at forty, we discover that it wasn't thinking of us at all.” - Anonymous
- “A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.” - Anonymous
- “The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.” - Muhammad Ali
- “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” - Anonymous
- At twenty years of age, the will reigns; at thirty, the wit; and at forty, the judgment.” - Benjamin Franklin
- “Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” - Franz Kafka
- “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” - Oprah Winfrey
- “When a man is tired of life on his 21st birthday it indicates that he is rather tired of something in himself.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald
- “At twenty-one, so many things appear solid, permanent, untenable.” - Orson Welles
- “The 21st breakthrough is so much more than an age. It's about great moments, lots of fun, and the impatience to all the wonderful things that are about to come.” - Anonymous
Birthday Greetings to Make 21 Special
Remember, the best sayings on a special birthday are those spoken from the heart. They will be heard the loudest and remembered the longest. Of course, humor is always a great option as well. If you want something more humorous than heartfelt, we also have some funny quotes about turning 21. If you're planning to make a toast, try these tips on making a speech at your 21st birthday.