At first the Angel is seen only by the ass, which arouses Balaam's anger by its efforts to avoid the Angel.
This arouses his spirit of contradiction; and he tells them that they might have won it from him by coaxing, but never by threats, and that he values his life no more than the stone he tosses away as he speaks to them.
The chief experimental basis for supposing that a train of longitudinal waves with displacement curve of this kind arouses the sensation of a pure tone is that the more nearly a source is made to vibrate with a single simple harmonic motion, and therefore, presumably, the more nearly it sends out such a harmonic train, the more nearly does the note heard approximate to a single pure tone.
Towards evening it arouses itself, and, with croaking and 1 Not to be confounded with the bird so called in the French Antilles, which is a petrel (Oestrelata).
Here, the parent gently arouses the child about 30 minutes before the typical spontaneous awakening, and consoles their charge.