Ritter (1776-1810), ardently prosecuted research with the new instrument.
He devoted himself ardently to oriental scholarship, and published Zur Urgeschichte der Armenier (1854) and Armenische Studien (1877).
This began as an attempt to break loose from the neo-Scholasticism so ardently patronized Y P both by Pius IX.
The study of Rntgen rays was ardently pursued by the principal physicists in Europe during the years 1897 and 1898 and subsequently.
During the War of Independence, the town of Falmouth (now Portland), which had ardently resisted the claims of the British, was bombarded and burned, in 1775; in the same year Benedict Arnold followed the course of the Kennebec and Dead rivers on his expedition to Quebec; and from 1779 to 1783 a British force was established at Castine.