Anthroposophy Definition
A system of beliefs and practice based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner and maintaining that by correct training and personal discipline one can attain experience of the spiritual world.
American Heritage
A religious or mystical system or movement similar to theosophy, founded by Rudolf Steiner about 1912
Webster's New World
Human wisdom; knowledge or understanding of human nature.
A spiritual movement inaugurated by Rudolf Steiner (also capitalized as Anthroposophy).
Origin of Anthroposophy
anthropo- + -sophy, from a Renaissance Latin anthroposophia (attested in Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, d. 1535 and Thomas Vaughan, d. 1666), popularized from the 1910s via German Anthroposophie (Rudolf Steiner, 1861–1925).
From Wiktionary
anthropo– (theo)sophy
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
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