Annoy Definition
(now rare, literary) A feeling of discomfort or vexation caused by what one dislikes.
Origin of Annoy
From Middle English annoien, anoien, enoien, from Anglo-Norman anuier, Old French enuier (“to molest, harm, tire”), from Late Latin inodiō (“cause aversion, make hateful”, vb.), from the phrase in odiō (“hated”), from Latin odium (“hatred”). Displaced native Middle English grillen (“to annoy, irritate”), from Old English grillan (see grill).
From Wiktionary
Middle English anoien from Old French anoier, ennuyer from Vulgar Latin inodiāre to make odious from Latin in odiō odious in in in–2 odiō ablative of odium hatred od- in Indo-European roots
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
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