Chartres, Dreux, Chateaudun, Nogent-le-Rotrou and Anet are the more noteworthy places in the department.
Unfortunately the building accounts of Anet have disappeared, but Goujon executed a vast number of other works of equal importance, destroyed or lost in the great Revolution.
Diane retired to her chateau at Anet, where she died in 1566.
She entrusted to Philibert de l'Orme the building of her chateau at Anet, and it was for her that Jean Goujon executed his masterpiece, the statue of Diana, now in the Louvre.
The characteristic of the style developed by Bullant, De l'Orme and Lescot,, in the royal or princely palaces of Chenonceaux, Chambord, Anet, Ecouen, Fontainebleau, the Louvre and elsewhere, is a blending of capricious fancy and inventive richness of decoration with purity of outline and a large sense of the beauty of extended masses.