Ananke Definition
Necessity beyond all supplications or sway. Conceived as the ultimate dictator of all fate and circumstances, to which even the gods must ultimately pay homage and deference.
(Greek mythology) One of the Protogenos and the primordial personification of destiny, necessity and fate, depicted as holding a spindle. She marks the beginning of the cosmos. She was seen as the most powerful dictator of all fate and circumstance which meant that mortals, as well as the Gods, all respected her and paid homage. Considered as the mother of the Fates according to one version, she is the only one to have control over their decisions. Her Roman counterpart was Necessitas.
Origin of Ananke
Greek Anankē mother of Adrasteia, distributor of rewards and punishments, by Jupiter from anankē necessity
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
From Ancient Greek Ἀνάγκη (AnankÄ“, “Force, Constraint, Necessity").
From Wiktionary
From Ancient Greek ἀνάγκη (anankÄ“, “necessity")
From Wiktionary
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