Digital watches differ from analogue watches by the way that they display the time.
Time Warner planned to offer FBC to over 7 million households, including 300,000 customers in the New York area who would receive the channel as part of their analogue cable service.
After a long interval salvation came from Scotland, somewhat unexpectedly, because although, along with its winter analogue of curling, bowls may now be considered, much more than golf, the Scottish national game, it was not until well into the 19th century that the pastime acquired popularity in that country.
The synonym "gray," given by Willughby and Ray, is doubtless derived from the general colour of the species, and has its analogue in the Icelandic Grdond, applied almost indifferently, or with some distinguishing epithet, to the female of any of the freshwater ducks, and especially to both sexes of the present, in which, as stated in the text, there is comparatively little conspicuous difference of plumage in drake and duck.
Analogue watches use hands to tell the time whereas digital timepieces display the numbers.