A2B 1 B 2 gives (22) a (21) b - (221) a (2) b, and A i AgB 21 (2 2 I) a (2) b -(22)a(21) b; these two merely differ in sign; and similarly A 2 B 1 B2 yields (2)a(2 2 I) b -(21)a(22)b, and that due to A 1 A 2 B2 merely differs from it in sign.
If this process is repeated for all positions of the load, we get the influence line AGB for the bending moment at C. The area AGB is termed the influence area.
Isotopic analysis of silicon carbide grains from meteorites (Anders and Zinner 1993) indicate characteristics of slow neutron capture reminiscent of AGB stars.