He did not really illumine or convert great Armenia, for the people were in the main already converted by Syrian missionaries to the Adoptionist or Ebionite type of faith which was dominant in the far East, and was afterwards known as Nestorianism.
So Gregory the language is concerned, may belong to the remote age which alone suits the adoptionist Christology of the prayers.
In this scheme therefore the Baptism occupies the same place which the Birth does in the other, but both are adoptionist.
It is then on the whole probable that the Paulicians who appear in Armenian records as early as 550, and were afterwards= called Thonraki, by the Greeks by the Armenian name Paulikiani, were the remains of a primitive adoptionist Christianity, widely dispersed in the east and already condemned under the name of Pauliani by the council of Nice in 325.
This is shown by the searching discussions to which the Adoptionist controversy gave rise.