In 1888 Charlottesville was chartered as a city administratively independent of the county.
The reformers of the previous reign had endeavoured to make the emancipated peasantry administratively and economically independent of the landed proprietors; the conservatives of this later era, proceeding on the assumption that the peasants did not know how to make a proper use of the liberty prematurely conferred upon them, endeavoured to re-establish the influence of the landed proprietors by appointing from amongst them " land-chiefs," who were to exercise over the peasants of their district a certain amount of patriarchal jurisdiction.
Geographically, though not administratively, the steppe provinces of Akmolinsk and Semipalatinsk belong to Siberia.
Administratively El Wad is the capital of an annexe to the territory of Tuggurt.
Administratively the state is divided into the city, or metropolitan district, and four rural domains (or Landherrenschaften), each under a senator as praeses, viz.