Chromium and its salts may be detected by the fact that they give a deep green bead when heated with borax, or that on fusion with sodium carbonate and nitre, a yellow mass of an alkaline chromate is obtained, which, on solution in water and acidification with acetic acid, gives a bright yellow precipitate on the addition of soluble lead salts.
Acidified copper nitrate solution is run into this cell, copper is deposited, and the more or less spent solution then passes through the linen partition, and, taking up metal from the anodes by electrolytic solution, is run out of the trough through a series of vessels filled with copper by which the silver is precipitated by simple exchange; after acidification the resulting silver-free copper solution is returned to the cathode cell for the deposition of the copper, the solution being employed again and again until too impure for use.
The decrease took so long because the free calcium carbonate in the soil was also dissolved by the acidification.
Bibby J. M., Hukins D.W. (1993) ' Acidification is not a feasible method for preventing encrustation of indwelling urinary catheters ' .
Conventional prevention and treatment of this problem involves acidification of the urine in order to prevent or dissolve the encrustation.