No Briton, including the prime minister and all members of the police and armed forces, is above the law.
Enormous depreciation ensued and, although penalties rising to death itself were denounced against all who should refuse to take them at par, they fell to little more than r% of their carried a decree that Marat should be sent before the Revolutionary Tribunal for incendiary writings, but his acquittal showed that a Jacobin leader was above the law.
Not only did they break the law, since they never returned to Mexico to stand trial, they obviously felt they were above the law as well.
He currently works as an attorney for the RainbowPush Coalition, but Otunga has received considerable criticism for his appearance on reality television, as evidenced by a 2007 article on Above the Law.
He garnered his main fame by starring in many action movies from the 1980's and 1990's like Above the Law and Under Siege.