But the hostility of Alexius, aided and abetted by the jealousy of Raymund of Toulouse, was almost equally fatal.
Against the Siamese, who were also suspected of having abetted the Peguan rebels, he proceeded more openly and severely.
In this manner he gained the favour of Nero, whom he aided and abetted in his vices and cr"elties.
Equally futile was John's declaration (April 3, 1327) that Louis had forfeited his crown and abetted heresy by granting protection to Marsilius of Padua.
She sided with the scribes, Burghley and Sir Robert Cecil, against the men of war, Essex and Raleigh; and she abetted Whitgifts rigorous persecution of the Puritans whose discontent with her via media was rancorously expressed in the Martin Marprelate tracts.